☽ ★ COSMIC ENERGIES ★ ☾ ~ Skidding in a day late due to - TopicsExpress


☽ ★ COSMIC ENERGIES ★ ☾ ~ Skidding in a day late due to my hectic schedule, but here are your Cosmic Energies for the week, luv. And can I just say IM THRILLED with the progression this week! GOOD STUFF headed our way. Energies that are steady and predictabe, beneficial and much-needed. Energies that are applicable for ALL of us. Allow me to break it down! Read on... And, hey! Dont forget to LIKE & SHARE this post if you enjoy... and feel free to TAG A FRIEND in the comments. ☽ ★ ☽ ★ ☽ ★ ☽ ★ ☽ ★ ☽ ★ ☽ ★ ☽ ★ ☽ ★ ☽ ★ ☽ ★ ☽ ★ ☽ ★ ☽ ☽ ★ Tuesday, April 1 ~ Our NEW MOON is currently in the constellation of TAURUS. We are receiving a nice dose of steady, can-do energy, allowing us to make progress on our goals and tasks at hand. We need this. Theres work to do. Turn your attention to things that have fallen by the wayside. Follow your intuition regarding the projects that require your attention most, at the moment. Listen carefully for new inspirations---these are the whisperings of Spirit, guiding you. This is a space in which to GET THINGS DONE. *Work hard now, reap the rewards, later.* Let that be your motto! **SUGGESTIONS: Eat hearty, sustaining foods such as lean meats and potatoes, rainbow salads, and pastas with vegetables and seafood or chicken. You may pull towards comfort food (mac and cheese, rice dishes, warm puddings, and sweets) but remember, those foods not only slow you down, but they show up in unwanted places. *eh hem* ;) Take walks in wooded areas; earth energy will be very empowering and energizing for you, now. **GOOD GEMSTONES: Tigers Eye, Hematite, Emerald, dark green Aventurine. **ANGELIC AFFIRMATION: Say these words aloud: Thank you, Angels, for being steadfast at my side. Help me to focus on my goals, and make good progress. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction, so I know where to put my attention. My goal is to be productive and stable, loyal and true to everything in my life. THANK YOU for helping me on this path. ☽ ★ Wednesday, April 2 ~ REPEAT of the above. EXCELLENT. More time to get things done. More time to take a look at our lives, map a strategy, and implement a plan. Think *progress*. Think *accomplishment*. See yourself crossing things off your to-do list, and feeling good about where youre going. ☽ ★ Thursday, April 3 ~ In the wee hours (2:43 a.m., EST) our Waxing Crescent Moon will go VOID OF COURSE, and will remain so until 7:47 a.m., EST. If you happen to be up during those hours, you may feel a bit disconnected, a tad blah. Moon VOC tends to affect humans in that way; we feel listless, distracted, sometimes tense or uneasy. Ride it out... this period of VOC wont last long. At 7:48 a.m., EST the WAXING CRESCENT MOON moves into the constellation of chatty, intellectual, friendly, and intuitive GEMINI. Wow! The energies shift, then! Give yourself a pat on the back for all you accomplished during Taurus Moon, and plan to take a break. Make some plans with friends, plan to meet for coffee, lunch, or an evening cocktail. Conversely, if the Gemini energy is making you feel spiritual rather than social, plan an evening in. This would be an excellent time to make a VISION BOARD, get caught up on WRITING in your JOURNAL, perhaps watch a movie, documentary, or start READING a new book. (Ive put our key words in caps; hope this helps.) Sometimes waxing Gemini energy can make us flirty. Therefore, now would also be an excellent time to pursue romance. Have fun! Live a little! Gemini energy loves to play. :) **FURTHER SUGGESTIONS: Light foods such as hummus and salsa; also burritos, tacos, and light pasta dishes. Gemini loves flavorful foods that satisfy. ☽ ★ Friday, April 4 ~ REPEAT of yesterday! One more day and evening of WAXING CRESCENT MOON IN GEMINI. One more day of playful respite, and lighter energy. Accept it as a blessing, friends! Woo-hoo! Lets breathe, kick up our heels, choose to be hopeful rather than stressful, and step OFF the weighed down path, and ONTO the light-hearted path. Tonight, perhaps music and wine by candlelight... consider entertaining. Friday evening will be an excellent time to simply *enjoy* yourself. Do not rule out the possibility of spontaneous romance! ☽ ★ Saturday, April 5 ~ Our Waxing Crescent Moon will go VOC all day, between the hours of 10:55 a.m. and 5:39 p.m., EST. Plan a relaxing day, if possible. Void of Course is not a time to make any important decisions or significant moves. Its a good time to fall back, rest, relax, or engage in mundane (mindless) tasks. If youre able, this might be a good day to spend some time in nature. Nature recharges us. Absorbing natural energy is particularly helpful during moon void of course. **GEMSTONE SUGGESTIONS: Use my favorite sustaining combination to keep you balanced: clear Quartz Crystal and Hematite. Use Carnelian and Unakite for inspiration. Use Amethyst to stay aligned with high spiritual vibrations, and your Angels. At 5:40 p.m., EST the Waxing Crescent Moon moves into the constellation of CANCER, changing the vibe, entirely! Now its time to turn our focus to all thats happening on the home-front. Concern yourself with matters of hearth and home. Tend to family, children, romantic relationships, and friendships. Its time to NURTURE the people and relationships that mean the most to you. An excellent day to tidy your house, cook up some comfort food and enjoy being at home. Might I suggest crockpot soups and stews, casseroles, hearty sandwiches, and baked loaf breads, both sweet and savory? Where you live needs your ATTENTION. Where you rise each day and lay your head each night, requires the investment of your ENERGY. Give it, today. Also an excellent time to SMUDGE your home of residual energies, and call in blessings of harmony, joy, love, happiness, and abundance. **CALL ON YOUR ANGELS FOR BLESSING. Say these words aloud: Today I call on my Angels, to clear my home of all negativity, and bless it with clear, positive energy. I call on my Angels to usher in joy, health, abundance and harmony, within these walls. I give thanks for this home, and affirm that prosperity and love live here. ☽ ★ Sunday, April 6 ~ REPEAT of yesterday! Notice a pattern, yet? Two days, for each message and suggested work, this week. Two days, to really hit it home and let the energies sink in, and positively affect our lives. AWESOME. What an incredible gift. Use this progression wisely, luv. It is absolutely a gift from Spirit. ** REMINDER: Currently, we are in a space that is charged with abundance, expansion, growth and progress. ALIGN with this flow by keeping your vibration high and clear. Maintain a high, clear vibration by keeping thoughts, words, and actions positive. Keep your intentions pure, and your spirit heart-centered. Aaaand....... thats a wrap on this weeks COSMIC ENERGIES. I hope you enjoyed! If you did, and would like more, please LIKE, COMMENT, and/or SHARE. This lets me know youre reading, and you like. And once again, please dont hesitate to TAG A SPIRITUAL FRIEND IN THE COMMENTS. From my heart to yours, this beautiful week... blessings for abundance and growth! xoxo #ParaGoddess
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 12:39:29 +0000

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