COULD HAVE BEEN-- SHOULD HAVE BEEN WEEKLY FAN BLOG 6/8/14 TK BLU AND THE UNCOOL WANT TO BE REALLY UNCOOL???? - GO TO OUR YOU TUBE CHANNEL!!!!! youtube/channel/UConmHNnVQxikNTPGkb443Dw “I could have been a contender” -- from Marlon Brando playing Terry Malloy in the movie “On The Waterfront’ This has been quite a week. A moment of reflection for Maya Angelou. Now a moment of “happy” for the Miami Heat beating the Pacers. Still on Jeanne’s quote from a few weeks ago, ----------- “Unfortunately if I had more self esteem when I was younger and had the ability to take certain opportunities when they opened up, I have no doubts that my career would have risen to a much higher level”. For our fans who know her brilliant work as a singer/actress/ performer, I am sure it’s a surprising statement. I can totally relate to her in retrospect. It has only been in recent years that I have found the chutzpah (I believe I spelled it right this time) to be assertive and latch on to promising opportunities to advance my career as a musical artist. Ann Ruckert, a music theory teacher I studied with in the late 1970s, gave me a road map to success as a musician. Ann encouraged me to take advantage of the opportunity of living in NYC. She suggested that I frequent the places where the “major players” hung out and introduce myself to them. Ann told me to tell them, “I am the man you want to work with”. She instructed me to write a letter to one of my idols, Quincy Jones. I was to let him know how much I admired him and that he will be hearing about my work in the near future. Ann told me to find a way financially to study with the best in the business. Ann felt strongly that it was important to write a new song every week. “You are bound to write at least one good one”. Did I proceed and heed her wise advice? I did not! Why not? I did not have the chutzpah!!! People call it the “lucky break”. Being in the “right place” at the “right time”. With all my years of experience in this profession, it is my humble opinion that an individual has to be proactive and create the “right place” and the “right time”. By doing this, one orchestrates their own “lucky break”. So now my TK BLU fans, I have the “you know what” (see above) to make it happen. I am optimistic that I will be sharing the details of my “lucky break” with all our readers in the near future. 13 DAYS TO GO!!! -- TK BLU AT TAVOLINO DELLA NONNA -- 101 Sample Road Coral Springs - 7:30 pm -- email me or call me at 954-579- 8868 to give me a heads up if you are planning on attending. HEY TEACHERS!!! -- Another school year is came to a close. With that thought in mind, I do miss teaching the history of our music to the students of ATC HIGH SCHOOL. It was always rewarding and so much fun. I salute my ATC family. ROAD TO TK BLU AND THE UNCOOL I am moving into 1973 having a great time working with the FAMILY TREE band. Gibby, the band leader wanted to bring the band to the next level and go on tour. With this decision being made, my buddy, sax man Lou Caputo, had to make a tough choice. He chose to stay at home and study his craft with some of the top NYC teachers. In addition, he landed a steady gig for several years at a NYC supper club. During this time his skills as a musician were challenged, which added a new dimension to him as a musical artist. I introduced Paul Di Simone to Gibby. Paul was an excellent show drummer with a great knowledge of the show concept. . Paul learned his showman skills playing drums for many years with Louie Prima’s first vocalist Lilly Ann Carol and her husband Joe Barone. There was a saying back then, “If you want to get to Vegas, add a chick singer to the band”. Gibby hired the daughter of legendary jazz guitarist Billy Bauer, her name was Pam Bauer. Pam had an Anita O’Day style of singing. TK is now about to experience real “show biz”. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TK -- have a “cool” week from the UNCOOL TK BLU AND THE UNCOOL BAND: Tony Kessler, Sabrena Rich, Sandra Deal, Jeanne Lynn Gray, Brad Keller, Jean Bolduc, George Garcia, Orlando Contreras, Dave Burgos, Devon Heinrich EDITORIAL CONSULTANT: Dr. Dominick Ferello
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 14:12:32 +0000

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