COUNT IT ALL JOY... Count it all joy my brethren; when trials - TopicsExpress


COUNT IT ALL JOY... Count it all joy my brethren; when trials and temptations hit you from all angle, when it looks like you’ve offended a great force and everything just keeps going wrong you don’t seem to be able to get it right again, when “darkness” seems to be closing in at a very great speed on you, when all you do is ask, ask, ask, with no response whatsoever, when it looks like you are in to be the next “Job”, count it all joy! You know why? It’s because those circumstances are the machines molding you to become a fit “joint heir” with Jesus Christ. . John 16:33 Anytime it gets so hard I start questioning GOD, The Spirit always remind me of JESUS CHRIST Who faced so much it got to the point He started sweating out blood – Luke 22:44. And then He says, “Being Christ-like is NOT a bed of roses” you have works to do which will be tested by fire – 1 Corinthians 3:11-13. That “fire” might come now as diverse trials or temptations (even our Lord Jesus Christ went through His own – Matt 4:1-10), it might come as severe hardship, sorrow, pain or a bit of all together (just as it happened to JOB). The Holy Spirit also brought to mind Rev 12:17, saying that the devil makes war ONLY with the remaining SEEDS of JESUS CHRIST and not with his(the devil) own seeds, so when I get hit it only goes to show that I’m still maintaining my track on the RIGHT path – the path to Glory. And when a particular region or area or group of people gets hit with so much… it only goes to show that they have more SEEDS of Christ cohabiting there. Just so you know, THE BATTLE IS ON FOR YOUR MIND AND SOUL. The stake has being drastically increased by the devil; don’t give in to the forces of darkness. Remember, you have Jesus Christ with you who will not allow you be tempted above that ye are able – 1 Corinthians 10:13. Cheer up!!! Sadly, we have more “Gehazi-like” brethren than “Elisha-like” brethren in this generation; more material-oriented (instead of spiritual-oriented) believers, who would rather covet jets, mansions, wealth, fame, etc, than covet double anointing… ~ brings to mind Luke 18:8b more clearly. REPENT NOW Brethren while there’s still time to, tomorrow might actually be too late. John 7:7 “The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.” topetychus.wordpress
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 10:17:40 +0000

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