COUNT THYE BLESSINGS Today, I want to share and count my - TopicsExpress


COUNT THYE BLESSINGS Today, I want to share and count my blessings: - 1) I was born into a humble family, not wealthy or rich by any standards. I finished secondary school in the 50s and had to look for a job to start working. Those days scholarships were few, bursaries were never heard of and bank study loans were non-existent. Unless the family had financial muscle, no child could hope to go to university. Going to work was the only option for me. However, by the grace of GOD, I had a good and smooth run in my career. Soon, I bought my first car, to be followed over the years by some other five or so cars, which I drove in a span of some 45 years. I had promotions along the way and reached management level, with some 25 others, including university graduates, working under my supervision. 2) My 2 children got admitted to NUS, one after the other. God was good. Had it not been so, I would not have the means to send them overseas for further study. They have graduated and are in good jobs now, married having their own families. 3) When I was still a boy, I harboured thoughts of owning and living in a terrace house, because I thought that would be a sign of achievement, and arrival at middle class status. I achieved that ambition in my mid-forties. Praise the LORD, WHO answers prayers! 4) I am now a retiree in my seventies and my wife is a housewife. We live in a 5-room HDB flat, with a maid. We have no material/financial lack. THE LORD has provided. Our medical bills are taken care of by my former employer. Even our maid has a room to herself in the flat. Our God has been faithful. GREAT IS THYE FAITHFULNESS! 5) My wife and I have the grace of God to travel rather extensively over the years. We have had the opportunity to see quite a few wonders of the world, namely the Great Wall of China, Ang Ko Wat in Cambodia, the Grand Canyon in the US. My wife continues to travel and has added many more other sights, including the Rockies and Niagara Falls, and South Africa, after I stopped travelling owing to mobility problems. She will be going next month for a cruise to Alaska! There are many wonderful holiday memories: watching the changing of guards at the Buckingham Place in London; going up the Eiffle Tower on a very windy night in Paris; being in the Vatican City watching the Pope appearing at a window to bless a massive Sunday crowd below; climbing the Trojan Horse in Turkey; riding the tram in hilly San Francisco; eating great Chinese cuisine prepared by seasoned chefs from Hong Kong in London and Los Angelis in the US; climbing the Great Wall and viewing the great and beautiful scenes surrounding it; shopping in Milan; riding in a gondola, with the boatman serenading in Venice; visiting the Sea World, Disney Land and Universal Studio in the US; all these and many more! TO BE CONTINUED
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 01:08:05 +0000

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