COUNT YOUR MANY BLESSINGS, NAME THEM ONE BY ONE. AND IT WILL SURPRISE YOU WHAT GOD HAS DONE! 1. Twelve of our ladies from Wyatt went to Fellowship Baptist Church, this past Saturday for a Godly Girlfriends Stick together! This was a first time for our Church. 2.An Amazing group of Godly Ladies are coming together helping Shining Light Outreach Center with our Food Pantry Programs 3 Money and canned goods starting to come in. Amazing! 4. God a call Saturday evening, and we have half the chickens we needed coming! Praise the Lord and the possibility of more in the future. 5.We have enough potatoes!! Thank you Lord. 6. A wonderful Team from Kentucky is coming this weekend. 7. A Group of Junior Beta Club Members will be here Friday evening to help fill the thanksgiving Boxes. 8. Approximately 15 high school students from Milan, TN will be here to help Sat. 9. Just got word we have new carts to take the food to peoples cars. Wagons!!! 10. God is working a new and improved way to deliver the goods at the Food Pantry that will be easier, quicker, most efficient, and smoother. God is good! Oh the privilege to be able to stand back and watch the marvelous, miracle working Victories in our lives. God is up to something wonderful. Would you like to be a part of it and get to see Gods wonderful work. You are invited, not to leave your Church, but to come and volunteer and see what God is doing!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 03:57:18 +0000

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