COURAGE {CONTINUATION FROM YESTERDAY} DO what has to be done and - TopicsExpress


COURAGE {CONTINUATION FROM YESTERDAY} DO what has to be done and do it quickly. see my friends its never too late,just make up your mind to start something youve discovered youre passionate about because in it lies your destiny. Now Shakespeare said in his book titled Macbethsome are born great,some achieve greatness and some have greatness thurst on them now Im particular about those who are out to achieve greatness cuz thats my category. Like i said its never too late. i was compelled to study a certain field of management recommended by my parents though i had an admission into school to study law which i had to let go for reasons best known to them.Now i have my degree but thats not my passion.During my days @ campus i was very close to the law students,a little bit involved in their politics and built the first and for now the only existing sculpture of the lady of justice placed right in front the faculty of law,university of calabar Nigeria,under the James ode led exco 2007/2008 session.Powered by ,Mr okonache who was the founder of the then leading lawsan party known as rationalist party as against the caccus party with one mr mike as the then party president.As a bussiness man on campus my supplier was also a lawsanite . I happened to be close to the rationalist party founder who later introduced me to his father who was a judge in a court and thats how i earned the contract of the sculpture of the lady of justice.i posted a photograph of me standing in front of the faculty of law close to the sculpture and i will do that again.look on the page you will find it. I was also invited to the opening ceremony of the sculpture seated with other prestigious lawsanites,while a senior advocate of Nigeria(S.A.N.) was invited to grease the occassion,it was all over the state media.Consequently i was able to rent my first bachelors home and write my first book. was also invited as a special guest at their dinner night. Though i studied some other course which has effected my destiny process,i am now still doing all i can to live my dream.I must confess its been challenging,sometimes discouraging and maybe confusing but focus and proper councelling from books and a mentor will go a long way to guid you so CHOSE A MENTOR within the line of your chosen carrier.More faith in yourself and audacity will bring you to the fulfilment of your dream. I never wanted to do law so i could practice like i told my barrister friend yesterday as we chated but to developoe my confidence by studying their philosophy and to improve on my oratory skill but the good thing is today i train people in public speaking and marketting,ive also headed marketting departments in three companies before resiging to focus on my bussiness. I intend to own a conglomerate and the only thing that can stop me is i said,id rather close my eyes in death than let my dreams to die So you see it is not too late.Zig Ziglar saidwinning starts with beginig. I dont know about you but my desire is to make the news that others will read some day soon.If you ever tried before and failed donty give in,dont give up,just look for new ways of doing it again and youll succeed at last,maybe all you need is one last step of faith,it could do the miracle. I have mortivated a lot of people who thanked me in the future and i sure wont have you give up your dream. The next best thing to happen could be you but of course its got to be after me,lol.we can make that differnce if we just try. THere are no hopeless situations,there are only people who have grown hopeless about them,take that with you and have a weekend filled with courage to live that dream inside of you.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 12:43:14 +0000

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