COURTESY MEDIA CROOKS: Getting Back To Our Roots India now - TopicsExpress


COURTESY MEDIA CROOKS: Getting Back To Our Roots India now has been declared a “Polio-free” country. It is a fantastic achievement. We owe a small debt to Dr. Jonas Salk who created the polio vaccine. Salk could have made millions with his vaccine but he did not. He didn’t even patent it and famously said There is no patent; could you patent the sun? although many other reasons are cited for the vaccine not being patented. Salk was the son of poor, uneducated Jewish parents who wanted their children to get the best education and prosper. There are many good things that have come to us from the West and we should continue to borrow the best from their societies and cultures. But there are a few thousands of people who have borrowed the worst from the West and have constantly looked down up Indians as low-class citizens, particularly Hindus. These are just a few thousands but they are the worst scumbags and scumbaginis in Indian society. Some of them aren’t even Indian anymore. They come mostly from politics, the news media and also an assorted bunch of Commies who pass themselves off as “intellectuals”. Under the Congress, which has ruled India for much of the last 67 years, these people have collectively damaged the Indian soul. The recent movie “Argo” was quite successful. It’s a true (secret) story of the rescue of a few American Embassy employees from Iran in 1979. The other story is that many were hostages for over 400 days and were released only in the last week of Jimmy Carter’s presidency. There was a failed military attempt too by Carter to rescue them. The assassination of JFK, Vietnam war, Watergate, Iran crisis all led to low self-esteem for Americans. It turned around only after Ronald Reagan took over as President. Indians have gone through a similar phase in the last 10 years and maybe even before; particularly Hindus. Unemployment, terror attacks, LOC killings, sailors kidnapped, endless rapes, massive corruption, land-grab, minority appeasement and a general lack of direction. Even in such a situation the media morons and the “Intellectual morons” (IMs) wanted Congress to win and continue in govt. What explains this slavery? Only money, perks and zero accountability! They tried everything. They lied as much as they could. If they failed to read the churning on the ground, it is generally because they have no connection with ordinary Indians. Most of these people particularly loathed Hindus, their traditions, their customs and their society in general. Which is why Modi’s win signifies something spectacular as I tweeted: The entire force ranged against Modi harped on the same fake secularism, doles, reservations and fear-mongering. The media criminals and the IMs heaped abuses on Modi. They called him Hitler, Fascist, Butcher, Polariser and all the choicest epithets their foreign education has taught them. They celebrated when the US foolishly banned Modi. Extreme morons who were in parliament even wrote to Obama to extend the ban. They used all these abusive names without the slightest qualm on how seriously they damaged the public discourse. The list of IMs is very long but here is a glimpse of some of the samples: The first man in the top row was emailing his students trashing the Gujarat model as if he knew a damn thing about it. The second IM in that row threatened to leave India if Modi became PM. I hope the joker does leave and settle in Papua New Guinea. The filth that passes by the name of Mani Aiyar needs no elaboration. The last one in the image is an interesting character. Yogendra Yadav, allegedly a professor and researcher, showed us what this entire IM community really is. Full of filth! His utterances during his campaign, claiming India will burn if Modi becomes PM, was out in the open. He even became the Muslim Salim for votes. The other IMs too would have been indulging in the same filth had they joined politics. Their true colours would have shown up. Far from their dooms-day threats it was Modi who carried his campaign with far more dignity and focus. All these IMs and political parties were busy abusing Modi but he was smart chasing votes. He got them! With undying energy and spirit Modi criss-crossed the country seeking a mandate. And now they can’t stomach the fact they have been proved to be fools and proved to be so wrong in their estimates. There is this other IM, the queen of anti-India, anti-Hindu filth, who hates anything remotely connected with India or Hindutva. She has already declared (in a Paki newspaper) dooms-day and that the poor will rot in hell now that Modi is going to be PM and BJP in power. Totalitarian? Such stupid jargons are peddled with no reason or logic. Anyone who can write two sentences in flowery English and has been thrown some awards by the West is automatically an expert on India it seems. These are the termites in our society. One of the good things about the current turn of things is that such anti-national, anti-law idiots will not go unchallenged because the monopoly of the MSM is long over. They hate the Hindu society, they hate Hindu traditions. Some like the C5M even hate Hindu festivals. How things came to such a pass has its source in our Independence. Mahatma Gandhi fought to get rid of the British but made the grave error of installing Nehru as PM who wasn’t any different from the British in his thinking. Nehru in turn found Communism to be a more attractive ideology and that became the fountainhead for all the fraudsters roaming around as “intellectuals” in our society. I call them “Foreigners dressed as Indians”. Dr Jakob De Roover is a researcher at the India Platform, Ghent University, Belgium and best narrates how this fraudulent group of intellectuals operate. I would add that this formed the vast “establishment” nurtured by years of Nehru-Gandhi govts. Here’s an excerpt from his article in Outlook: Sadly, the average educated European is informed exclusively by one section of Indian society: the intellectuals and journalists who call themselves ‘secular’ and ‘progressive’. Now, this group is a product of centuries of colonial education and western hegemony. They preach old colonial stories about the moral corruption of India. This explains why they are so popular among western academics and journalists: these ‘native informants’ happily reproduce what the West has always thought about India and confirm the unscientific commonplaces about ‘Hinduism’ and ‘the caste system’ that are still sold as knowledge in western universities. Inspired by Indian secularists, western commentators depict the BJP as an evil force, which will throw India into the dark ages. Some even agree that it concerns a ‘fascist’ party, as though this term can be bandied about like a cheap epithet. In reality, the BJP is a democratic party similar to many right-of-centre parties in Europe: combining a liberal socio-economic policy with the aim of reviving traditional culture. But, as is the case with nationalist parties in Europe, this aim unfortunately takes the form of retrograde nationalist rhetoric… We need the Europeans who are fascinated when they hear that we have completely misunderstood another culture and that we have major things to learn from India. It is this Europe that should now wake up and open her eyes to the new world of the 21st century. It is this Europe that will meet India anew and treat her like the sister she is. Frankly, our media crooks and the “intellectual morons” are far more European and Americans than those people are. Add to that concoction a white Italian woman who first entered the corridors of power and then became queen herself. And since then the entire country has been turned into one big “Gandhiland”. A “fake-Gandhiland”! Streets, roads, central places, airports, projects, govt schemes, universities, bridges – everything became Gandhi. Most of it underserved. Read “The Gandhi Septology” on how this perversion of our culture has happened and how a country became branded in one single family’s name. The rest of the great Indians are idiots? And this is what the media crooks and IMs want more of? While screaming “secular, secular, secular” what exactly have Congress and its clones been doing? For power and the freedom for corruption they have destroyed institutions and made policies driven by religion. Muslims! Muslims! Muslims! What about Muslim this, what about Muslim that? What will happen to Muslims? Will Muslims suffer? Why should Muslims deserve special treatment anyway? Sure, give all the benefits to the poor. Nobody will grudge that. Why special policies for Muslims or Christians or any community? If at all there has to be discussion on religious lines, it is time to ask what every religious community is doing for India and not the other way around. And they talk about “divisive” politics? Every clone of the Congress is a branch of its termite-infested decaying body. SP, NCP, INLD all of them broke away to create their own private fiefdoms. How in the world are these parties and politicians uniting anyone? In 1984 there were around 36 political parties in India and now there around 450. If not power and private fiefdoms what do the people heading many of these new parties want? In the last ten years there has been an extraordinary growth in Christian Missionary activities that lure poor people into conversion. This is a crime against the poor and, as in Gujarat, I hope that this nonsense of conversions will be banned and end the designs of the West to “Christianise” India. And the missionaries have the audacity to predict persecution of their church (Read here). I doubt Jesus will ever stand with these haters and fear-mongers. As against that, the govt at the Centre and some states have been destroying sites of Hindu history, taking over temple management, taking control of temple wealth. Every crony of this establishment would have no problems if the Hinduism itself is wiped out. They want to burn the very philosophy and culture that nurtured them. They accuse Hindus of communalism when it is Hindus who have historically accommodated and absorbed foreigners, refugees and welcomed alien religions. They all know that if India is still secular it is because of Hindus and not otherwise. I don’t think Hindus want a “Hindu Rashtra” as these alarmists like to scream every now and then. Nobody is demanding the majority should dictate all policies. It is not just that this “establishment” trashes Hindu culture but the Commies have even falsified our history. Murderers have been glorified and patriots have been described as terrorists. All that must change. History cannot be altered but false history must be rectified. Tomorrow Narendra Modi will be sworn in as the Prime Minister. What bothers some political parties, the fraudsters in our media and the IMs is that even the Muslims are not buying their nonsense anymore. They are hurling more abuses at him in frustration. They are even unwilling to accept the people’s verdict. We should borrow the best from the West. The fringe elements should stop complaining about frivolous Valentine cards or Beer bars. We can learn from Brazil and we can learn from Burkina Faso but the core of India and its Hindu culture must be restored. Govt must be removed from temples and autonomous state or national bodies by Hindus should be formed to oversee the management of temples. Hindu pilgrim sites should have the most modern facilities. False history must be rectified. Some posts back I explained the difference between a “fad” and a “trend” in marketing terms. Modi is not a “fad”, he is a “trend” that will last long. His determination for a “Congress-Mukt Bharat” will be underestimated only by fools. Mere hate-mongering hasn’t succeeded in the past and will not succeed in the future. I borrow a lot from the West and even use it on these pages. But we are children of a great civilisation that forms our roots. Our parents, forefathers and many great warriors, saints and souls have invested in us. Many have died for us. Let me borrow from the West again and quote former American President John Quincy Adams: “We ARE, who we WERE”. We should be unwilling to let hate-mongers in politics, the media and the IMs destroy that investment. The Hindu anger coupled with a general anger by all communities against the Congress and its “Sickular” clones is what has given BJP and Modi a very decisive mandate. Only the wilfully blind will fail to recognise this. We cannot hope to survive as a nation and move forward by destroying our own roots. I am sure Narendra Modi remembers it more than anyone else as he takes over as PM.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 13:52:18 +0000

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