COURTESY OF ROBERT COOK: (thank you) The US Police State: The - TopicsExpress


COURTESY OF ROBERT COOK: (thank you) The US Police State: The latest free-pass to police for killing an unarmed civilian was given to three Staten Island COPs who killed a father of six, Eric Garner who was assaulted by three COPs for allegedly selling cigarettes without sales tax. He was choked and taken down to the ground, and death resulted. The Coroner ruled it a Homicide. On Wednesday, a Staten Island grand jury voted NOT to return an indictment for the police officer who put Eric Garner, an unarmed black man, in a chokehold shortly before his death Not enough evidence, said the Grand Jury-- after watching the same video we all saw on TV and the Internet. Curiously, those jurors could not get a simple majority of 12 of 23 to vote that the COPs may have used excessive force on Mr Garner, Hence, the jurors did not indict the three perpertrators. The facts are that the Coroner ruled Eric Garners death was a Homicide because the airways in Garners throat and uppper chest were both crushed. Furthermore, on the video of the chokehold-takedown and forcible pressure against Garner on the ground, the dying victim is heard pleading, I cant breathe, (11 times). And yet the Grand Jury said, there was not enough evidence to suspect police misconduct. ■ THE DEAD VICTIM: Eric Garner Death, 17 July 2014, New York City Police suspected Eric Garner of selling loose, untaxed cigarettes. Officer Daniel Pantaleo put Garner in what NYPD Chief Bill Bratton describes as a chokehold, which violates NYPD policy. Garner can be seen in the video saying (11 times), I can’t breathe. He is later pronounced dead at a local hospital — Kelly Bans Choke Holds By Officers, 24 November 1993, The New York City Police Department has issued an order banning the use of choke holds, the restraining maneuvers that cut off the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain and have been blamed in the deaths of suspects here and around the nation. The directive comes as police departments around the country have prohibited or reviewed the use of various choke holds by officers. It also underscores a nationwide debate, fueled by greater violence on city streets, on the appropriate use of police force, from 9-millimeter handguns to hogtying to pepper spray. The policy in New York grew from concern about the rising number of deaths in police custody over the last eight years, including that of Federico Pereira, a 21-year-old Queens man who in 1991 died of what the medical examiners called traumatic asphyxia. Five officers were charged, but the charges against four were dropped and the fifth was acquitted. Chief Timoney said. The bottom line is that if somebody is emotionally disturbed, they really need police help and we should render it in the most humane and professional way possible. ■ ANALYSIS: Why today do Grand Juries almost never indict COPs for using excessive force, including killing unarmed civilians? How did this come about? In the United States after 11 Sep 2001, the US populus was terrified, and their fear opened the door for tyranny to rise up and reign. The majority of citizens after 9-11 willingly surrendered their the Bill of Rights to the Authoritarian George Bush who promised to protect them from the evil doers. (- Bushs language to manipulate our will) Grand Juries consisting of terrorized citizens are relunctant to lock to lock up their protectors. Hence, indictable evidence presented to grand jurors behind closed doors has repeatedly been ignored. More and more policemen are getting away with crimes against the people, via a free-pass from Grand Juries, and as a result, these COPs feel theyre above the law. So who does one call when police break the law? What happens to Democracy when our designated protectors are the evil-doers? We have seen the answer in the Grand Jurys unwillingness to indict COPs: When police are the perpetrators- Victim justice is denied. ■ CONCLUSION: In Amerika, the Rule of Law has been replaced by the Rule of Men. Today, the lawmen have become lawless men, and we-the-people face mistreatment from both our top government leaders, who illegally spy on us all, and mistreatment from our local law enforcers who act as if theyre above the law, leading to their unrestrained use of force on unarmed citizens, even in homicide, as the Statin Island cororner called the killing of Eric Garner . There has to be a high standard for police- to abide by the law of the land- because we entrust them to enforce the law. When COPs are suspected of excess force against citizens, the closed door grand jury process should be replaced with a transparent open court proceeding. The current justice system has failed, and there is little trust that victims of police violence will receive justice. Continuing the unjust closed-door grand jury dismissals of violent COPs further reinforce the dangerous belief among some COPs that they can commit and get away with violent acts against citizens, including even homicide. ■ FINAL ANALYSIS: In Washington, Atty General Holder said Garner’s death as well as that of unarmed teenager Brown, who was shot dead by police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson in August, “have tested the sense of trust between law enforcement and the communities they are charged to serve”. We must speak out with a loud, collective voice and demand Justice for victims of police violence. What legacy are we going to leave our children? Freedom or Chains, The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men. ~ Samuel-Adams -- Video of NYPD Chokehold death of Eric Garner, https://youtube/watch?v=j1ka4oKu1jo nytimes/…/kelly-bans-choke-holds-by-officers… theguardian/…/we-cant-breathe-eric-garner-pr… huffingtonpost/…/ramsey-orta-indictment-eric…?
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 12:53:59 +0000

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