COURTESY OF SHANNON WATTS---COMING SOON TO A SCHOOL NEAR YOU (for preview google Beslan Russia School Massacre): Orthodox Muslim Achmed, Zahid, Farhan, Mohammad, & Aaban, all “students” from Islamic countries who had overstayed their VISAs, with the exception of Zahid who entered our country from across our porous southern border, after discussing all the perverted things they were going to do with their postmortem entitlement of a virgin harem, smirked upon seeing the “Gun-Free Zone” sign as they casually walked past it onto the campus of a local elementary school. The the recess bell had just rang and little kids poured out of the classrooms toward the playground. Months earlier, since they were operating on a small budget, they had decided to forego expensive black market, fully automatic REAL assault rifles smuggled across our open southern border and instead use sawed-off, 12 gauge pump shotguns purchased at a discount from a local MS-13 gang of fellow illegal aliens. Once again, Zahid was the exception; he didnt like guns, insisting that “theyre unsafe and incited violence,” so he decided hed arm himself with his 1987 Buick Riviera. It was a short distance from the school gate to the school playground and just as they reached it, Zhid crashed through the perimeter fence with his Buick, barreling over and instantly killing 12 little infidel kids. Achmed, Farhan, Mohammad &Aaban watched the spectacle with wide grins as they shouted “Allah Akbar” and uncloaked their shotguns at a crowed of screaming children and defenseless teachers running toward them as they tried to escape Zahids steamrolling Buick. They had rehearsed their team, precision killing endlessly. Achmed and Farhan moved in one direction while Achmed pumped off 5 shots of #00 Buck shot dispatching 12 little infidels to “hell” while Mohammad and Aaban moved in the other direction with Mohammad quickly jacking 5 shots of #00 Buck shot downing 10 little infidels. Mohammad and Aaban laughed and screeched “Allah Akbar!” when they saw one well-placed shot actually behead a little blond-haired girl of about 8 years of age. As soon as Achmed & Mohammad had emptied their shotguns, Farhan and Aaban would hand them a loaded one while taking the empty one, with which they were tasked with immediately reloading for the next hand-off. Three and a half minutes into their virgin acquisition, Zahid had succeeded and ruthlessly crushing over 30 little kids and 3 teachers with his Buick, while the shotgun teams had killed well over 60 more, and no sirens could yet be heard from any approaching police. Meanwhile, at a local chapter of Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In American, Shannon Watts lectured some of her glaze-eyed, easily demagogued and manipulated winged-monkey minions on the effectiveness of Gun-Free Zones and the villainy of the NRAs insistence that Good Guys/Gals with guns are a deterrent to bad guys and gals with guns [or Buicks?].
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 18:13:17 +0000

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