COVENANT CHARGE “Now the people complained about their - TopicsExpress


COVENANT CHARGE “Now the people complained about their hardships in the hearing of the Lord, and when he heard them his anger was aroused. Then fire from the Lord burned among them and consumed some of the outskirts of the camp. When the people cried out to Moses, he prayed to the Lord and the fire died down.” (Num 11:1-2 NIV) that is our Covenant Scriptures for today. To “Complain” is to object, protest, grumble, grouse, carp, gripe, whine or nag. Therefore, to complain means to express discontent or unhappiness about a situation. Going by the above definition, I can’t help but ask why should any human being complain before God? No wonder God was very angry with the Israelites who complained in Num. 14:27 consequently, none of these people who grumbled and complained entered the promise land. Many have spent ample time in God’s presence claiming to be praying while in the real sense of it they are just accumulating the wrath of God with their grumblings and complaints. This ought not to be. God is a merciful God who hears the cry and supplication of His people not the grumbling or nagging of anyone. Who is that man that can challenge God? Nobody! I want you to pause and reflect on the content of your prayers in the past. Are you one of those who kneel down to pray only to complain and lament, telling God all the people you know who are rich and robust and how your neighbor who doesn’t even go to church let alone paying tithe is living larger than you. Those who complain can never comply because the only way to be fulfilled in God is by complying with His leading and not by complaining. You are allowed to pour out your heart to God by prayer and supplication (Ph 4:6) but you prayer must be without grumbling or nagging. Every gift or blessing from God is just a privilege we don’t earn it. So no one has the right to complain before God on any matter. Complaining in the place prayer instead of crying is the cheapest way of incurring the anger of God and must be avoided. Stop complaining and start complying with the laid down biblical principles set by God, explained by Jesus and revealed by the Holy Spirit. Obedience to God’s ordinances is the surest way to an enjoyable life which is devoid of struggles, pain, agony, lack, sickness, sorrow or shame. A prayer offered to God in thanksgiving and in humility avails much. Do I need to remind you that true pray is actually a sincerely communication between you and God who you must first of all have a good relationship with. The reason why someone will depend on other people to pray for him or her all the time is because such one doesn’t have a good relationship with God. The call is simple, learn to pray well. See God as your father and relate to him on the basis of love and respect. Those who humble themselves before God are exalted before men. Don’t command God else you destroy yourself. Stop ordering the Holy Spirit He is not your mate. Honor and respect God and your needs will be met. God bless you richly! Say with me: Oh Lord, forgive me of all the wrong prayers I have ever prayed and teach me to use the right words in the place of prayer in Jesus Christ Name.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 11:33:34 +0000

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