CQC Report West Cumberland Hospital - TopicsExpress


CQC Report West Cumberland Hospital bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cumbria-23060724 Chris Platton, Acting Director of Nursing, said: “We welcome the Care Quality Commission’s report following their unannounced visit to West Cumberland Hospital in early May. Visits like these provide a real opportunity to understand where we need to make improvements. There can be no excuses for not meeting the expected standards set out in this report and unacceptable that both our staff and patients have historically endured standards of care which fall way below that of which any of us would expect from the NHS for our loved ones. The CQC has made a number of recommendations for action in the report which have already been addressed by the Trust since their visit in May. The Trust Board yesterday listened to a presentation by senior elderly care nurses at both hospitals on how they are moving these improvements forward. An action plan is also in place to ensure delivery of further significant improvements to patient care. The report does recognise that the Trust has already made improvements and this drive continues with vigour. Focussing on areas such as staffing, with recruitment and better workforce planning alongside the introduction of a tried and tested model of patient experience; where we are capturing patients’ experiences in real time and acting on this appropriately, will enable us to transform the experiences of our patients and ultimately ensure our Trust delivers sustained excellent care to patients. Since September, 102 more nurses have been appointed to ensure there is greater flexibility in workforce planning. It is important that staff rotas are managed well so that the right number of staff and the right skill mix is available across all wards and services. There were some concerns around waiting times for admission and patients waiting longer periods in A & E than they used to. West Cumberland Hospital has consistently achieved 95% and above on the four-hour waiting target for some years. However, over the last few months, the department has experienced an increase in attendances and delays in patient flow to the admissions wards. We are providing an extension to the A & Department to create five new patient bays and we are currently advertising for staff with interviews in July to bring these online as soon as possible. We are also introducing the acute care physician model covering 24 hours, 7 days a week and developing our Hospital@Night service and investing in the recruitment of nurse practitioners. There is no doubt that we are on a long journey relating to improving the quality of the services we deliver and the feedback, so far, from this inspection shows that we are taking steps in the right direction and beginning to make a difference.”
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 08:58:26 +0000

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