CRAZY SHIT OTHER TOURIST SAID ON SAFARI TODAY #3 OK folks, today was a rich day of quotes, so i am consolidating them all into a medley... man, they never fail to impress! first one... Tourist to pilot as we are about to take off: Can you see through fog? second one: Same tourist to different pilot: so yesterday we had two pilots. but today only one. Why is that? Pilot: well, it depends.... it may have been for training, where one pilot is learning and the other sits in to supervise... also, some of the twin engine planes require two pilots. Tourist: Oh, OK, so its safe for us today to then fly on the single engine plane? third... SAME tourist: Oh wow, look, an elephant.... (then turns to guide) Is that the same one we saw yesterday? jesus christ.... today we arrived at a new camp and after our landing another plane was about to take off, so we drove half way up the runway to avoid getting all the dust blown over us (as we were down wind and at the same end the plane was intending to take off, which was in full view of all). Guide: OK folks, we will wait here for about 5 minutes until the plane takes off and avoid the dust... tick tock.... 1 minute passes Tourist: has the plane left yet? (stifled laughter) 1 minute passes... plane still hasnt left... then.... a door opens from a shed 2 metres away, making a typical creaking sound Husband of tourist above: What type of bird is that? we all burst out laughing thats all for today peeps... will have some more, no doubt tomorrow... todays cohort (cos they should be studied) are particularly special so rich pickings for sure...
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 14:03:03 +0000

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