CRAZY WORLD WITH CRAZY MOTIVES. The only beacon and ray of hope - TopicsExpress


CRAZY WORLD WITH CRAZY MOTIVES. The only beacon and ray of hope 4 a comon man is God the Father. Man endless bundles of need is there 2 ruin and waiden the gap of have nd havent. Going by de on going rangled btwn opposition nd government truelly speaks volume coz what they haggling 4 is power, status nd who is 2 control asizeable allocation of resources. Leaders regardless of positions, political parties or protocol one thing is that u ar elected by kenyans 2 represent them in all sheres as enshrine in de constitution of kenya. Spare yu ego nd salvage this sovereign state frm the Jaw of insecurity, poverty, corruption, tribalism, favourism, cynism and other social down turn. You are branches of the same tree centrally elected with a purpose and a different to show your self approved nd simply 2 change the face of kenya frm bad 2 good not vice verse as u portrayed in the current LAMU LAND FIASCO just 2 mention a few. Kenyans lets wake up frm deep nd thick blankets 2 play an oversight role at th end of th season (5 yrs) to non perfomers regardless of supremacy nd huge economic muscles coz it prime time 2 change ths country for good. Imagn Rwanda a small nation equivalent 2 riftvally provence is soon 2 dominate EAST AFRICA MARKET WITH STRONG REGIONAL TIES WHILE TZ almost to out weight us in Tourism which is the chief foreign economic earner. If we cant change our mind set as a nation present investment opportunities and past reputation in the global market will diminished and as a result our competitors will reap comparative advantage.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 06:09:21 +0000

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