CREATIVE THINKING Creative Thinking is the ability to think of - TopicsExpress


CREATIVE THINKING Creative Thinking is the ability to think of original, diverse and elaborate ideas that solve a problem, create an opportunity, or produce some benefit. Its a series of mental action which produces change and development of thought. The aim of creative thinking is to stimulate curiosity and promote divergence. 7 IMPORTANT POINTS TO NOTE ABOUT CREATIVE THINKING * Creative thinking develops your potential beyond the boundaries of intelligence. * Creative thinking helps you discover new and better ways to solve problems. * Creative thinking builds on the nature of knowledge. * Creative thinking aids rapid growth of competition in business and industry. * Creative thinking is an important aspect of mental health. * Creative thinking constitutes to effective leadership. * Creative thinking builds on all disciplines. NEGATIVE ATTITUDES THAT BLOCK CREATIVITY * Oh no, a problem:- (Proverbs 22:13; Proverbs 26:13) The reaction to a problem is often a bigger problem than the problem itself. A problem is an opportunity. The happiest people welcome and even seek out problems, meeting them as challenges and opportunity to improve things. * It cant be done:- (Mark 9:23) This attitude is, in effect, surrendering before the battle. By assuring that something cant be done or a problem cant be solved, a person gives the problem a power or strength it didnt have before. The appropriate attitude is summed up by the statement, The difficult we do immediately the impossible takes a little longer. * I cant do it. Or theres nothing I can do:- (Philippians 4:13) Some people think, maybe the problem can only be solved by some expert, but not by me because Im not smart enough. Yes, if you look at the history of problem solving, youll discover that, most results were borne out of a need, or a passion on the part of the inventors. * But Im not creative:- Everyone is creative to some extent. Most people are capable of very high levels of creativity; the problem is that this creativity has been suppressed for too long. All you need to do is let it come back to the surface. You will soon discover that you are surprisingly creative. * What will people think?:- There is a strong social pressure to conform and to be ordinary and not innovative. You have to break beyond physical and psychological barriers. * I might fail:- Fear of failure is one of the major obstacles to creativity and problem solving. The go-with-the-flow types may never fail, but they may end up not enjoying the feeling of accomplishment that comes after conquering a challenge. POSITIVE ATTITUDES FOR CREATIVITY * Curiosity:- Creative people want to know things and knowledge does not require a reason. Knowledge is enjoyable and often useful in strange and unexpected ways. Ask questions of everyone. Look into areas of knowledge youve never before explored. The best ideas flow from a well equipped mind. Nothing can come from nothing. * Challenge:- Curious people like to identify and challenge the assumptions behind ideas, proposals, problems, beliefs, and statements. Many assumptions, of course, turn out to be quite necessarily, and in breaking out of those assumptions often comes a new idea, a new path, a new solution. * Constructive discontent:- This is the ability to see a need for improvement and to propose a method of making that improvement, constructive discontent is a positive, enthusiastic discontent, reflecting the thought, Hey, I know a way to make that better. If you are happy with everything the way it is, you wont want to change anything. Only when you become discontent with something, when you see a problem, will you want to solve the problem and improve the situation. * A belief that most problems can be solved:- By faith at first and experience later on, the creative thinker believes that something can always be done to eliminate or help alleviate almost every problem. Problems are solved by a commitment of time and energy, and where this commitment is present, things are possible. * The ability to suspend judgment and criticism:- Many new ideas, because they are new and unfamiliar, seem strange, odd, or even repulsive. Only later do they become obviously great. Thus, the creative thinker should be able to suspend judgment when new ideas are arriving, have an optimistic attitude toward idea in general, and avoid condemning them. In conclusion, I want you to know that youre a creator just like your Maker. And its important you know that everything you see here today are products of some good thinking by those who dared to take advantage of their greatest asset - the mind where their creating thinking, the ability to think of original, diverse and elaborate ideas that solve a problem, create an opportunity, or produce some benefit like I earlier elucidated finds expression. I hereby challenge you to put yours to work today and watch yourself grow to become a wonder in your world. God bless you!!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 11:24:06 +0000

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