CRIES OF OUR COUNTRYMEN So much trials our countrymen are - TopicsExpress


CRIES OF OUR COUNTRYMEN So much trials our countrymen are continuing to face and survive in. Many are in tears for their loss and many are thankful for just remaining alive without even being sorry for losing every material things they have. We are known to stand up in the worst calamities in the planet and from our own determination we continue to survive even in times help are not availabe and yet followed by short live complain in all these calamities. This outlook in life is probably the result of being tired of relying from our goverment most specially from its corrupt leaders from Senators down to Barangay Chairmen. Philippines does not need government reformation but instead soul reformations of all its leaders who continue to betray its citizens and continue to live luxurious life out of the money that should have been used to service the basic needs of their constituents. Millions of our contrymen in the Visayan region are not asking for anything more than just to be able to continue living and start again. I am so much hurt not mainly because of the suffering of our countrymen caused by all of these calamities but having to know that the corrupt leaders of our country are just watching all of these and continue to live comfortably in the arms of their family and continue to convince themselves that they have not done any wrong doings to our countrymen. There is no need of election that we should wait to cast our vote. There is no need for new law to put someone in jail. There are no new leaders needed to govern our country. What our corrupt leaders need is a change hurt. A hurt that grieves seeing our countrymen suffering and move by love towards our countrymen. Share this if you think these corrupts leaders of our country can still be moved and can still love again our countrymen Lets pray for our bleloved country the Philippines.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 15:20:34 +0000

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