CRIME IN ARDMORE - COMMUNITY INFO SUPPORTING WSPD NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH This week I contacted WSPD Community Resources Unit and had an initial conversation with the Neighborhood Watch Coordinator. I believe that Facebook / social media increases our awareness and may make the problems look even worse than they really are... On the other hand, various property crimes appear to be on the rise and the problems overall may be worse than some want to believe. I believe that sharing better information & insight will help ALL of us avoid the dangers of both inaction and over-reactions. I would like to help organize at least one Ardmore Community Info Meeting for March or April - to present an opportunity for Ardmore area residents to get some reliable info from WSPD about whats happening and what we (individually or in groups) may do to help prevent crime and most effectively support WSPD in dealing with events as they may happen. One point would be to enable organization of new Neighborhood Watch block groups depending on interest, availability of captains & etc. I think this page has been & should continue to be a tool for spreading not just info about immediate cases, but info about any meeting or meetings that may take place. In addition, should there be interest & some support, I may create an Ardmore resource page to provide more information in the future. That said - Im not obsessed with the crime problem -- I just see an opportunity for all of in having more & better info about what we can do & how we should do it. Admore is HUGE - Depending on boundaries, the population is like that of Pinehurst or Kernersville or even Kannapolis. So this initiative could easily fizzle because the opportunity is huge and the support of LOTS of involved/concerned people is needed. I have modest goals at this time: One or more public info meetings and enabling new Neighborhood Watch block groups where desired. But, Ill need some help & suggestions with things like arranging the meeting(s) and spreading the word. Im not familiar with local facilities (e.g. Miller Park, churches, schools) that might be used (nor the short routes to the decision-makers), for example. Perhaps the Ardmore Neighborhood Assn could help in some way. Plus, we may need some donations to cover printing costs, etc. That said... NOW - VOLUNTEERS? SUGGESTIONS? Please either post here or send me a PM as the spirit moves you. [Be patient regarding replies etc from me because I wont be able to type much from Wed through most of February. Depending on response(s) I may try to arrange an organizing type meeting in late February. Thanks to all!]
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 13:06:26 +0000

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