CRIMINAL GOVERNMENT IF JUSTICE IS REALLY BLIND, SENIOR BUSH AND OBAMA ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS MUST NOW BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE What the world learned yesterday about the US governments torture practices makes Watergate seem like a tempest in a teapot. Impeachment? How about prosecution and imprisonment for those responsible for writing this dark chapter of American history. And not just the Bush Administration officials. See below how Obamas White House also stonewalled Senate Committees REPEATED requests for Information in 2013. Human Rights Watch also called on Obama to prosecute those responsible. “The Senate report summary should forever put to rest CIA denials that it engaged in torture, which is criminal and can never be justified,” said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. “The report shows the repeated claims that harsh measures were needed to protect Americans are utter fiction.” Unless this important truth-telling process leads to prosecution of officials, torture will remain a ‘policy option’ for future presidents. HRW said in its todays release (see Heres an excerpt from the 500-page Executive Summary of the actual declassified Senate report: This Committee Study documents the abuses and countless mistakes made between late 2001 and early 2009... The Study describes the history of the CIAs Detention and Interrogation Program from its inception to its termination, including a review of each of the 119 known individuals who were held in CIA custody. Which means that as horrific and widespread the CIAs torture practices have been, they are only a fraction of the criminal practices what the US government and its agents carried out. Heres a quote from the footnote of Page 9 of 299 of the Executive Summary: The report does not review CIA renditions for individuals who were not ultimately detained by the CIA, CIA interrogation of detainees in U.S. military custody, or the treatment of detainees in the custody of foreign governments, as these topics were not included in the Committees Terms of Reference. Nor were such criminal activities limited to just the Bush Administration. Heres another quote from the footnote of Page 9 of 299 of the Executive Summary about how Obamas White House Also Stonewalled Senate Committees Repeated Requests for Information in 2013: The Committee did not have access to approximately 9,400 CIA documents related to the CIAs Detention and Interrogation Program that were withheld by the White House pending a determination and claim of executive privilege. The Committee requested access to these documents over several years, including in writing on January 3, 2013, May 22, 2013, and December 19, 2013. The Committee received no response from the White House. Nor did Obama take any action after a four-year investigation by his own Justice Department: From January 2, 2008, to August 30, 2012, the Department of Justice conducted a separate investigation into various aspects of the CIAs Detention and Interrogation Program, with the possibility of criminal prosecutions of CIA personnel and contractors. NO SUCH CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS TOOK PLACE. And since silence implies acquiescence, this makes Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder also culpable as accessories to CIA/Bush crimes. READ MORE... theguardian/us-news/live/2014/dec/10/cia-torture-report-reaction-live#block-548851c2e4b05bb5eb71a9c1 UN report: You can download the full 500-page Executive Summary at this link: file:///Users/altzar/Downloads/249652086-Senate-Torture-Report.pdf
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 16:06:45 +0000

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