CRIMINAL, WILLFUL, GROSS NEGLIGENCE. ON THE PART OF THE FOSTER LED CORRUPT REICH OF FACISTS. Today I begin a concealed evidence, document dump of hidden public records. To the unaware public. A carpet bombing campaign of truth. Documents exposing the truth about the covert gentrification of almost half of our city. The undisclosed results from the geological testing trucks. The mysterious deals made to steer federal assistance funds relating to the National Guard Headquarters upgrading. The activities of Mercedes Benz at the Douglas plant. The demise and corrupt development of the Acres of Books site area. The seemingly EPA unapproved, taxpayer funded, clean up and redevelopment of numerous OIL DRILLING SITES, throughout the city. The apparently invisible 600,000 gallon, plus, a day, lb desalination plant and its records of progress. The Secret Material Recycling Facility, similar to the city of Lakewood. Along with the secret commodities sales, slush funds. The laws Long Beach officials requested and Assemblywoman Lowenthal facilitated through governor Brown. Allowing the furtherance of their criminal enterprises. The address of all the properties seized through Eminent Domain Abuse and the results of their development. The identities of the individuals and companies involved in illegally seizing private property. As well as the indentities of the individuals and companies that have purchased the homes and other properties surrounding the redeveloped transportation corridors in north long beach. A photo Montage of all of the various press headlines and conflicting stories, beginning at January 1 2013 and continuing up to today. A parade of overwhelming evidence. Practically proving, beyond a shadow of a doubt. We have an ONGOING CRISIS OF CONFIDENCE CAUSED BY TEAM OF CORRUPT, INDIFFERENT AND SEEMINGLY, UNIMPEACHABLE, PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS . The signs of their abuses of power and authority, are everywhere, obvious. Thousands of the citys residents are aware of the situation and their number increase every day. Public Exposure and Certain Condemnation are Inevitable.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 14:26:07 +0000

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