CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF INDIAS POULTRY SECTOR There has been a significant transformation of Indias poultry sector from backyard activity to a technology driven activity. REASONS RESPONSIBLE -Growth in this industry can be attributed to widespread of modern technologies in breeding , feeding management , healthcare and food processing industry. -Development of new strains with faster , better body weight gain (meat purpose) , high egg laying rate for layers (egg purpose) , dual purpose strains (egg and meat) , disease resistant , low mortality rate , adaptability to local climate have helped in successful commercialization of this industry. -Reduction of Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) which is the amount of feed intake for a kilogram of meat production with modern technologies have increased profitability. -Value added products like egg powder , designer eggs with specific nutrients, frozen/chilled poultry meat and ready to eat poultry foods are produced with new food processing technologies. -Introduction of contract farming and large scale integration are facilitating the access of modern technology for small scale rural farmers. -State authorities this sector by programmes like All India Poultry Development , Poultry Farming , Integrated Poultry Development Programme , funding through NABARD , setting up veterinary hospitals , building human capital and improving export opportunities through APEDA. -There has been considerable increase in demand of poultry products in urban areas. -Increase in income level and absence of religious constraints as in the case of beef and pork as well as low skill and high cost benefit also worked for the purpose. -The emergence of MNCs like KFC and MacD have also led to surge in its demands. CHALLENGES -There are infrastructure bottlenecks in cold storage , meat processing , rail road connectivity to access markets and inadequate low feed maize. -The continuous outbreak of diseases which spread as epidemics in them and the rumors of diseases that can spread to the people through them also hamper their development. -There is increasing environmental degradation due to poultry waste causing water contamination. Moreover the recent trend is very positive and forward looking considering the giant leaps this sector has taken in such a short period of time.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 20:32:07 +0000

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