CRITICISM Pt. 5 In the middle of criticism, adversity and - TopicsExpress


CRITICISM Pt. 5 In the middle of criticism, adversity and antagonism, if what youre doing is right and you believe in it, dont mistake the victory, (like T.D Jakes said) THE VICTORY IS NOT TO CHANGE THE MIND OF THE CRITIC, THE VICTORY IS IN COMPLETING THE ASSIGNMENT YOUVE BEEN GIVEN. And if youre not careful, yould start living your life to change somebody elses mind. Dont look to the left or right but keep on doing what He told you to do! DONT GIVE UP ON YOUR MISSION. DONT RESPOND TO YOUR CRITIC, SAY NOTHING BACK, JUST GIVE GOD THE PRAISE! GODLL ANSWER YOUR CRITIC AND BLESSING WILL COME TO YOU!!! When you acknowledge your critics, you give them your power. They are not important until you respond. Learn what you can from them, eat the meat, throw away the bones but God didnt send you here to argue with critics, He sent you to get something done with your life. Let them have their problem to themselves, pray for and ask God to help them but go after what He promised you. God doesnt want you distracted by the voices around, you have the power within you to stay focused and keep moving. It is not the problems that will destroy you, you will never be destroyed by that that is surrounding you, you are only contaminated by that which is within you. You will not be distracted. You will not be confused. I rebuke the camouflage from all of those friends that arent really your friend. You will stay on your calling. And this goes for all those that have been critical of others, youve been a thorn in the flesh of other people. You didnt mean to be used like that but having read this you realize that your words have been harmful, your thoughts hurtful, the things you said about them have made their lives miserable without a cause. Today is an opportunity for you to repent and to pray that you will no longer be used of the devil, you will not lend your tongue to the devil. Many lives have been bruised by your words, not from the healthy constructive criticism but brutal criticism that have stripped people of their respect, self esteem and left people wounded. This is a day of liberation. A moment of independence is coming to your soul and spirit because God will liberate you from people and restore your focus back to your calling. Thank you for reading thus far, hope youve been blessed. If yes, pls just comment something and share too.God bless us.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 06:09:09 +0000

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