CROSS RIVER 2015 AND CREDEBILITY: A SHORT ANALYSIS (PART ONE) If there is anything we have to worry about in Cross River State 2015 is ‘‘credibility’’ This piece is going to be a very short one, but it is directed towards a perspective that citizens and government must pay special attention to in 2015. We have a good number of candidates interested in various positions, including the turbulent gubernatorial seat. The simple question we have to ask ourselves is the credibility of the candidates? What is credibility? And who is a credible gubernatorial Aspirant? What measures credibility and what makes an aspirant to be credible? How can we recognize a credible candidate to Cross River 2015? Why is the concept very important to 2015 in Cross River State? Credibility is the belief we have in a Candidate or an aspirant as a result of his performance and achievements in office and any human endeavor. Credibility is grossly associated with the power to empower and entice others to believe in the capability of your tested position and office. Credibility is a word that should mean something to experts, citizens and government especially in Democratic systems. Some elected government officials have failed woefully in office because they were not credible. To buttress this point further, Credibility is how believable an aspirant is to his people. It is how believable, something is or is going to be for us in future. But we may also argue that credibility goes to the extent of revealing to citizens how trustworthy an aspirant or candidate is to his people? A qualitative research analysis demonstrate that credibility can be measured through the results and report cards of candidates and their trustworthiness in the eyes of the masses, the ruling elites and the government towards their contributions to the welfare of the people . This discussion is important because credibility is an asset to governmental stability and Accountability. It means a lot to the citizens of Cross River State in 2015 because they have to decide the credibility of who becomes the next governor. The credulity of the next governor of the state must not be left to government alone in 2015. So if you have been following my piece what does credulity depend on? And when is a political office holder credible to us? What are the characteristics of a credible candidate for 2015? Some of the characteristics include: charisma, vision, pedigree eloquence, responsiveness, timing, appropriateness and rhetoric. We are not trying to down play other views relating to the characteristics of this concept. To conclude this discussion, one is of the opinion that credibility contributes to the value of the gubernatorial position the candidate and the people. There are candidates who are credible to this position in 2015 and there are some that are not. May God give the people of the Northern senatorial District and the entire people of Cross River State a credible candidate whose track records proves that he can move the state forward to another economic and political dimension.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 07:38:45 +0000

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