CROSS RIVER 3 NEW SENATORS, LOSING NDOMA EGBA AND IT EFFECTS. Who is senator and what are the functions of a senator? A senator is a member of the upper chamber of the legislature elected through an election, whos election is sponsored by a political party. Functions Examining and revising legislation, investigating national issues and representing regional, provincial and minority interests — these are important functions in a modern democracy. We often drag senators to functions of the executive arm of government, a senator performance should be judged on the motions he has moved and bills he sponsored in the legislative house on national issues, how he has represented the interests of his region and not always dragging a senator into executive function. The executive arm of government does not only enforce the law made by the legislative arm (senator) but also provide the basic amenities for the people through the local government unit which is closer to the people. From the PDP primary election result, In the north Sen Ben Ayade gave up the senatorial seat and clinched the gubernatorial ticket which Chief Hon Dr Mrs Rose Oko (Ogoja/Yala rep) emerge the northern candidate of the PDP, in the central Rt Hon Owan Enoh (Obubra/Etung rep) defeated the incumbent and senate leader Sen Victor Ndoma Egba while in the south Mr Greshom Bassey beat Sen Bassey Otu to the party ticket. The question now is should cross river state afford having three new senators in the 8th national assembly? The north had no incumbent senator contesting so lets analyze the performance of the central and southern senators 1. Senator Ndoma-Egba, who was once Chairman, Senate committee on Information and Media and Deputy Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, on record, had sponsored bills on: Nigerian Prisons Services Act (Repeal & Re-enactment Bill 2009; The Nigerian Community Services Bill 2009; Criminal Justice (Victim’s Remedies) Bill 2009. Others include: Abolition of Discrimination against Women Bill 2009; Legal Aid Act Amendment Bill 2008; Legal Practitioners’ Act (Amendment Bill, 2008; Freedom of Information Bill 2008; National Human Rights Commission Act Amendment Bill 2008, aside many motions moved and other bills he co-sponsored on the Senate floor. His constituency projects are inclusive and cut across all the local government areas in his Senatorial district, with scholarship scheme from 2003/2004 to 2012/2013 covering both undergraduate and postgraduate university students, cutting across Abi, Boki, Etung, Ikom, Obubra and Yakurr local Concil areas of this South-south state. Over 150 indigenes of the state in the various establishments, including ministries, agencies and parastatals within and outside the state. he has organised for 121 indigenes of the state for Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) training programme. About 500 natives of the local governments in his district have benefitted from skill acquisition and computer-literacy programmes initiative by the Senator. Hes not just a ranking senator in the national assembly but also the senate leader. 2. Sen Prince Bassey Otu has been in the senate for just 3years and 7months but hes already known in the senate for his contributions and also in his district for his enormous human relationship, grassroots developmnt, scholarship, empowerment scheme and many other achievements. i. The Banking and Other Financial Institutions Act 2007 (Repeal and Re-enactment) Bill 2013. (SB.247)-Sponsor-Sen. Bassey E. Otu ii. a Bill for an Act to Facilitate the Use of Information in Electronic Form for Conducting Transactions in Nigeria-sponsored by Sen. Bassey Otu 2013 iii. Integrated Infrastructure Development Bill,2014(SB.521) -First ... That the Senate do receive the report of the Conference ... MOTION. 1. ... Sponsors: ... Bassey Otu I remember the relentless fight both Sen Otu and Sen Ndoma fought to persuade FG to reverse it decision to cede our 76 oil wells to Akwa-ibom state. Sen Otu achievements include the training of undergraduates in the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Enterprise Development (EDC), financial support to students of various categories, employment of graduates into federal and state ministries and awarding scholarship to indigent students among others. The legislature is often regarded as the symbol of democracy and in other developing countries, performance of this arm is strengthened by allowing legislators to go for as many terms as possible in order to enable legislators gain more experience on the job. In most cases, the age of the legislator in those climes determines the amount of respect he commands. In the United States, for example, US Senator Robert Byrd from West Virginia was elected into Congress on January 3, 1959 and left on June 28, 2010. He served for 51 years and 176 uninterrupted days as a lawmaker. There was Daniel Inouye from Hawaii, who got into the Congress on January 3, 1963 and left on December 17, 2012, having served for 49 years and 349 days. Senator Ted Kennedy, who served Massachusetts in Congress for 46 uninterrupted years until his death, is also a case study. Today, the longest serving senator is Patrick Leahy from Vermont. He’s been in Congress since January 3, 1975 and has served 39 years and 268 days so far. For the US Congress, therefore, it is safe to assume that they have always been on hand to help stabilise that arm of government as its reservoir The both senators (Sen Ndoma and Sen Otu) have achieved and performed in line with their legislative functions, Cross river state we have lost almost everything which put our relevance in the map of Nigeria. We lost part of our oil territory to Cameroon, our 76 oil wells and even our recently acquired fortune in tourism is waning all to our twin state Akwa-ibom. And now for fight of supremacy were plucking down our biggest asset which is human resource, in the political ladder Sen Victor Ndoma Egba (SAN) is the biggest asset avail to us now. If we look up his achievements he has performed in line with his legislative duties, we always drag him into executive functions. Benue state (Sen David Mark and Sen Akume) Enugu state (Sen Ekweremadu) Anambra state (Sen Ngige) Kwara state (Sen Saraki) etc are all getting fair share of the national assembly and federal presence, this is made possible given the political relevance and time spent in the senate by the senators representing these states in the national assembly. Cross river cant afford to present three new senators now considering our neglection by the federal government. Quality legislative system all around the world is built with time and ours cant be different, some say Sen Victor Ndoma should be drop saying we need change. Change is good but not when it doesnt guarantee maximum benefits, at this critical political, economical sphere or situation of our state, Sen Victor Ndoma Egba is a precisely asset we must harness and nurture for our collective good. Ofana, Augustine Ekpo Nnamdi Azikiwe university Awka, Anambra
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:54:11 +0000

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