CROSS RIVER AND 2015: SYCOPHANTS OR SUPPORTERS Cross River State - TopicsExpress


CROSS RIVER AND 2015: SYCOPHANTS OR SUPPORTERS Cross River State 2015, is it sycophants or Supporters that we need? We need genuine supporters in Cross River State 2015. We need Supporters who stand by the truth. We need supporters who know the quality of the candidate they are standing behind to throw in their votes. In politics, supporters are those who encourage their leader and a public figure in all that he does for the interest of the people. It is important for us to be real and genuine supporters of our various aspirants. We need to understand and separate these two concepts for the stability of the gubernatorial race in 2015. There was a friend of mine who had a psychotic episode so many people around him were fighting amongst themselves to be his close friend//savior they were blaming each other for his illness.. He even had the ability to gather new groups of people to support him during his illness. If one group did not fulfil his needs the other would. Suffice. Everyone He meets he tells them how wonderful they are. My friend in question always feels special and uses people do things for him. This is how my friend, has been living his life with years of sycophantic culture and attitudes Our years of sycophancy, is becoming unbearable. It has made even our incoming government to become totally corrupt even when it has not been sworn in, what a world? Our leaders are known to wield near and totalitarian authority, even when power is still very far from them. Sycophancy is now is a practice, a way of life and a means to destroy those who stand by the truth. The problem with sycophancy isn’t so much that its offensive to watch, but that its a lousy business strategy. Sycophants are like the blackjack, attaching to a passing animal. It’s not unusual for sycophants make a 360% turn and start supporting exactly the person they would have been denigrated previously. It’s not about principle, it’s about power shifts. They do not follow the person, they follow the power. There is a real contest in praise singing in Cross River state today. Some leaders have variously been described as Jesus’ brother or the 2nd Jesus, and a Messiah? Not even Julius Caesar or the Egyptian Pharaohs were ever so extravagantly worshipped. History is fraught with leaders whom sycophants thought would live forever, Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler, Chairman Mao, Kim Il Sung, Mobutu Sese Seko, to name but a few. Long after his death, Kim Il Sung remained president of his country as sycophants refused to accept that he had died. Everyone else was acting on behalf of the “resting” Kim Il Sung. Such is the extent to which sycophants can go. : There are two types of sycophants: (1) the ones who need commercial and financial gain and (2) the ones who are already financially heeled but need political accommodation. A sycophant has been an animal in its own class and genus. It’s a parasitic animal which attaches itself to a host, like a creeper. Without the host, it would have survived challenges, and to justify its keep, it has to “lick”, that is, make outrageous pronouncements about its host, time and time again, often to the total embarrassment of the host because of excess dosages. That’s not to say that when the host “dies”, and I use the word die figuratively, to denote when the host is demised and ceases to provide succor, for one reason or another, the sycophant is adept at attaching itself to yet another host. The German idea of ‘’Unverbogenheit’’ means the truth is rare to find. The truth is not rare to find only in the modern world, but it is living and hiding in the present contemporary society of today. This is nothing but, a disease of the mind affecting. Wow, those Jews who killed Jesus were sycophants. They only cared about money, and political power. Jesus stood in the way of their greed so they put him on a cross and killed him. A nation of sheep is bred by sycophants. The sycophants are more a danger to our society because they create failure while the critics point the way to human progress and understanding. Critics not sycophants will lead us away from dead ends to the reality of the nation we desperately need. I belong to the school of thought at the hem of which is Harry Truman who said: “I want people around me who we tell me the truth, who we tell me the truth as they see it. You cannot operate and manager effectively if you have people around you on the pedestal and tell you everything you do is right because that in practice can’t be possible”. Sycophancy is an international trade that has killed intellectualism, professionalism, ethics and human morals. No matter our ideological differences and political background, religion and gender, politics should be a game of inclusion and not exclusion. We should be well guided of our run away sycophancy. Yesterday we were following Senator Professor Ben Ayade, Today we are with Mr. Jeddy Agba? Be a supporter of your Boss and not a sycophant. May the almighty God in heaven open the eyes of your boss to know that you are sycophant and not a supporter? I appeal to my fellow country men and women to reason with in good faith and not persecute me. Cross River state 2015, is for supporters who cherish and recognize the good work of their representatives in government.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 09:17:37 +0000

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