CROWD-SOURCE DOCUISCEMENTARY REQUEST!!!! Oddly, PBS has not contacted us about sending a film crew to document Uisce Beathas final hooley. Similarly, the Nature and History channels are strangely silent on the matter. No word from RTE. Our first choice, Martin Scorsese, wont even return our snapchats! Actually, we should have realized all along that the conventional method was not right for us. Uisce Beatha has always been, first and foremost, a of the people, by the people, for the people enterprise. So heres the ask. We have six shows in the next 8 days and 4.6 hours. PLEASE: 1. RECORD WITH ABANDON. Bring your cameras, smart phones, tablets, digital recorders, smell-o-cams, holocorders, and TSA Brand Portable Full Body Scanners to as many of these 6 shows as you can. 2. POST SELECTIVELY. Pick the best images, video, audio, odorio, holio, etc. that you capture, and post them to this page, along with the following words: Hey, Uisce Beatha, this is mine, but you can use it for whatever you want, whenever you want, so long as neither you nor anyone else blames me for it. 3. BASK IN ADULATION. Youll enjoy, not only our eternal gratitude and the gratitude of all UB-Nation, but if we ever get it all pulled together into something, then well do our darnedest to include you in whatever credits or acknowledgements are possible and appropriate under the circumstances. Of course, no actual compensation will ever come your way. 4. IF YOU HAVE AUDIO AND VIDEO EDITING OR PRODUCTION SKILLS that your are willing to fritter away on a project of no economic or societal value whatsoever, contact Jim Guy to discuss the scope and terms of your voluntary servitude.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 16:53:56 +0000

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