CRS-CARITAS RESPONSE TO HUDHUD, NEARLY ONE LAKH PEOPLE GET FOOD In responce to Hudhud, close to one lakh people from 2500 families were provided with food supplies. People who benefitted are from twenty four villages from the districts of Visakhapatnam and Vijayanagaram. Besides food, essentials household items like LED torch lights in the absence of electricity and large buckets for storing water were also distributed to families identified as most needy on urgent basis. “This year, Hudhud is the sixth disaster in a row in India and Caritas remain unabated while continuing to live her mandate of upholding human lives.” claimed Disaster Management Team Leader Babita Alick. The region is still reeling under the aftermath of the cyclone Hudhud. Most mobile networks and connectivity is yet to be established. Caritas team has witnessed delay in reporting of its work due to these and other challenges. Caritas communications team based in Delhi reports of having to depend on landline phones in order to establish contact with the Andhra Pradesh State Officer. CRS-Caritas Rehabilitation strategy may include the following aspects: • Reconstruction of the partially damaged houses by providing the housing material like thatched leaves, asbestos sheets and cement bags • Construction of new houses to those families whose houses are totally damaged in collaboration with Government program. • Cash support to the fishermen to repair and purchase boats and nets. On October 10, couple of days before the disaster, a joint CRS and Caritas India team assisted local partners while alerting the community local task forces to take all necessary precautions. Rapid assessment conducted after the cyclone from October 13 to 15 in seven villages reported loss of 5 human lives and 827 houses damaged. Additionally livelihood of the fisher folks in these villages was adversely affected as the cyclone left 355 boats and 683 fishing nets totally damaged. Although the government’s primary health centers has set up the health camps in the villages the health situation is reportedly poor with complaints of diseases like fever, cough and body pains. Meanwhile in Kashmir, Caritas have successfully completed the relief phase and is put a two member team in place for embarking into a longer strategy in rebuilding the valley. We are receiving people’s appreciation from the valley. Auqaf Committee member Fayaz Ahmad from Hanjipora appreciated Caritas saying “After flood, we were looking for some support from organizations, individuals and the government...but only Caritas India came to our relief…. we are happy that people in my village got timely help...
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 12:35:58 +0000

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