CRS neco 2014 OBJECTIVE ANSWERS. 1-10= DAEBABBBCB 11-20= - TopicsExpress


CRS neco 2014 OBJECTIVE ANSWERS. 1-10= DAEBABBBCB 11-20= BEBEDBAEDE 21-30= ACEABEDBDB 31-40= DCECECBBAD 41-50= DBBBCACEDB 51-60= E (52=99yr) BDCEEDEC C.R.S THEORY ANSWERS. (1a).Account of the call of abraham:abram who later became abraham lived in haran with his family at the age of seventy five years,God asked him to leave haran with his family to a land he would show him”go from your country and kindred and from your fathers house to the land i will show you.Then God promised to make abram a great. nation,bless him and make his name great so that he would be a blessing to others. God also went further and promised that he will bless those that bless abram and course those that course him and by him all the families of the earth would be blessed. Abram faithfully obeyed Gods commandments and went with his family to posses the hand of canaan. At shechem appeared to abram and showed him the land of canaan and abram built an altar for the lord (1b) –prohesy-revelation-dream-talents (4a) call of Mathew by jesus Christ. As jesus was wting by the sea of galilee, he saw two brothers, simon and Andrew, who wre fishermen. Jesus Christ call them and they obeyed and followed jesus immediately. As they went on, jesus saw two other brothers, james and john with their father, Zebedee. Jesus called them also. They obeyed, left their father and followed. On another day, jesus was passing by the tax office and saw a tax collector, by name Mathew levi. Jesus told him “follow me” and mathhew rose and followed him. Later they arrived in matthew’s house. There jesus sat at the table with matthew and other tax collectors and sinners. The pharises were surprised to see jesus eating with tax collectors and sinners and questioned Jesus disciples why their master was eating with such people. Jesus replied, “ those who are well have no need of a physician but for those who are sick. Go and learn what this means. I desire mercy not sacrifice, for I came not to call the righteous but sinners”. (4b) (1) Jesus made necessary arrangements for the continuation of his works of preaching and healing after his ascension into heaven. Today seminaries serve the same purposes. (2) Peter, Andrew, james and john obeyed jesus, call and followed him just like Mathew. Those who have vocation to priesthood should obey God’s call. (3) Practice self-denial and sacrificial attitudes to do God’s will-make material wealth for heaven consciousness 8(a) according to paul’s teaching, paul meant that man cannot attain righteousness of God by his own effort or by keeping the law,it is only by his grace which is the unmerited favour of God. This grace can only be recieved by having strpng faith in jesus christ and his redemption he offeres to mankind at the cross through his blood. When one is justified by faith, he is equally considered righteous. (8b)1.peace with God. from eternal condermnations 3.the Holy spirit will dwell in him 4.he will rejoice in the midst of suffering 5.endurance which will produce good character 6.hope in God (6a).saul was born in tarsus and trained in jewish law under gamaliel,a respected jewish lawyer and teacher.saul was a pharisee and a defender of judaism,he appeared in the forefront of those persecuting the church in jerusalem. After the death of stephen,and the great persecution of the church in jerusalem,which forced the disciples to scatter to different places.saul was still determined to met out further punishment to the high priest and jesus . He went to the high priest and demanded for the synagogues in damascus so as to eneable him to arrest the disciples. After collecting the letter he moved to damascus while he was approaching the city a lightening from heaven flashed him he felled to the ground and heard a voice saying”saul saul why are you persecuting me”.saul responded and asked who are you lord? The voice said i am jesus who you are persecuting,then jesus directed paul to wake up and enter the city where he will be told what to do. those who went with saul was amazed for they heard the voice but saw no one. Dorcas Charles Victoria Titilayo Margaret Mccarthy Olanrewaju Oluwatosin Daniel Glory Damilola Akosile we all need it! May we pass ijn
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 00:37:37 +0000

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