CRY NOT DEAR PASTOR- THE WORK OF GOD WILL FLOURISH As we go into the weekend, I feel led to share a few thoughts. This is after receiving a very touching message from a dear man of God who is evidently hurting on account of very gifted/skilled members who have left the congregation he is pastoring While I have never taken it on myself to be the adviser of Pastors, I will share a few thoughts for the encouragement of many other Pastors out there who may be in a similar place. Dear sir/madam cry not when gifted/skilled people leave your ministry. The work of God in your hands is not dependent on anyone. In his counsel to the young Pastor Timothy, Paul says the things you have heard of me entrust them with faithful witnesses who shall be able to teach others also Take note of where God says you should focus your energy.THE FAITHFUL and not the gifted. Learn to treasure the loyal ones. In many cases the glamour of the gifted and skilled ones blinds us to the long lasting potential of the faithful ones. Most likely these gifted ones who are causing you pain today found you with the loyal ones. Overtime, I have learnt that it is easier to develop the skills and abilities of loyal people than to develop loyalty in gifted people. Please note that not all gifted people are disloyal. The bottom line is if they are faithful they are even of greater value. Sometimes even the history of how they came to be with you may not be good. If the foundation is wrong, the result is bound to be wrong. Oh I will never forget what my father Pastor Chris taught me on wrong and right foundations. Summary of my encouragement is this. The anointing on your life is powerful enough to convert these loyal ones into very powerful ones over time. Davids church had men in debt, discontent and discouraged at the beginning. But he converted them into mighty men. You can also do it with those loyal ones. My personal testimony this far is this; I have never made the departure of any person a subject whether in the pulpit or anywhere; of course I will guide if asked . The loyal ones are yielding themselves more and more to God and the work keeps getting greater and greater. And I have had to discipline myself never to fight the fact that everyone has a destiny and somwtimes it may not be with me. Dear Pastor cry not Jesus who called you is building his church and the gates of hell will not prevail. My Friday prayer is that the Lord will mightily bless those faithful brothers and sisters serving with their Pastors world over. You are an encouragement in ways your Pastors will never explain. Make sure you go to church this weekend. Your pastor may never say it but he loves to see you in the house of the Lord. Thank you for reading.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 14:31:09 +0000

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