CTM:Whose Voice Am I Hearing? by Teacher Maria - TopicsExpress


CTM:Whose Voice Am I Hearing? by Teacher Maria vonAnderseck s8wministries.org/general.php?id=75 [This article is about gaining discernment by asking Scale Questions. After reading the article, you can gain more information by clicking the link above.] The word obfuscate was again ministered to me by the Lord this morning. Obfuscate: “To render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible. Bewilder (someone); to obscure the perception of something; the concept of concealing the meaning of a communication. Also.. Some people are experts at obfuscating the truth by being evasive, unclear, or obscure in the telling of the facts. The people who are good at obfuscating would include defense lawyers and teenagers asked about their plans for Saturday night. Although the verb obfuscate can be used in any case where something is darkened, less clear, or more obscure, it is most frequently used in reference to things like ideas, facts, issues, or the truth. The usual implied meaning is that this obfuscation is done deliberately. Politicians often obfuscate the truth about the issues to win support for their positions so they can win elections.” This reminded me of how Satan holds the mind captive by highlighting to the mind facts that are true (in that things were said, done, or experienced in the past that are true) that are now brought to the forefront of the mind to be argued or set in order (which is the wisdom of this world). The Enemy deliberately presents to the mind facts that are true to fix the mind on the wrong thing. We are vulnerable to accept the invitation to clarify the meanings we see emerging from the cloud of facts presented. For example: This means that I will lose out on… This means that my fears are confirmed…This means that my labor is in vain…This means that I truly don’t have hope. The mind is now clouded (can only see the facts it is now focused on rather than observing the facts according to God’s perspective). The mind is now bewildered (the facts have led to the many scenarios in the past it is connected to, trying to observe the order present in them, seeking wisdom to proceed). Scale Questions: 1. The facts being presented to me just now; Are they leading me to set order to the past or to set order to the knowledge of Christ? 2. If these facts are true, then I should rejoice in them, for I rejoice in the TRUTH. But I am bewildered. Am I being led to focus on the wrong thing? 3. Am I being directed to accept a prejudiced judgment or am I carrying my burden to establish the lack of the evidence of Christ therein? 4. What will I conclude if I continue in this vein of thought? And is this God’s mind? Scripture: “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” (Isaiah 1:18)
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 07:19:48 +0000

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