CUFIinAction Dear Partner, February was a big month for CUFI. - TopicsExpress


CUFIinAction Dear Partner, February was a big month for CUFI. On February 6th, CUFI celebrated its 8th birthday. In 8 short years we have grown to be the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States with over 1.6 million members and over 1.1 million Facebook fans. Elected officials listen when we speak, and our detractors realize that we’re not going away. In fact, The Washington Post recently referred to CUFI as America’s “largest and most dependable pro-Israel group.” Now that we’ve achieved critical mass, we’re more determined than ever to use it. In February, we continued to dedicate ourselves to the effort to keep the economic pressure on Iran. We worked hard to secure 59 co-sponsors over a majority of the Senate on legislation imposing tough new sanctions on Iran if they fail to abandon their nuclear program. But Majority Leader Harry Reid announced that he would trump the will of the majority and refuse to call this bill up for a vote. So we issued an action alert asking you to e-mail Majority Leader Reid and demand that he lead or get out of the way by bringing this bill up for a vote and over 21,500 of us responded by sending e-mails to Reid. This will be a tough battle we’re going up against the full might of the Obama Administration, but we will continue to do everything we can to advance this important legislation. As always, February was also a busy month for us at the grassroots level. We held dozens of pro-Israel events in towns and cities from Compton, California to Danburry, Connecticut. These events don’t always get a lot of press or attention. But they are among the most important things we do. In churches, college campuses, community centers and homes across the country, we’re teaching America’s Christians the justice of Israel’s cause. And one-by-one these pro-Israel Christians will ensure that America remains pro-Israel for years to come. We could not have accomplished any of this vital work without our members. Now is the time to get your church more involved in CUFI, to bring a friend to a CUFI event, to make the decision to join us for the Washington Summit (July 21- 22, 2014). Now is the time to stand up and speak up for Israel. Israel is our first line of defense against the violence of militant Islam. And you are Israel’s first line of defense against the rising tide of anti-Israel sentiment here at home. We thank you for being with us as we fight the good fight and stand up for what is right by ensuring the Jewish people are never alone again. Blessings to you and those you love, Pastor John Hagee - National Chairman Christians United for Israel David Brog - Executive Director Christians United for Israel
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 23:46:35 +0000

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