CULTURAL AFFAIRS AWARDS 2014/2015 CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Deadline for nominations: 24 October 2014 This document is available in Afrikaans and isiXhosa on request 1 AWARD CATEGORIES AND AWARDS IN EACH CATEGORY Arts and Culture 1. Best contribution to Visual Arts, including Public Arts during the period. 2. Best contribution to Performing Arts: Dance during the period. 3. Best contribution to Performing Arts: Drama during the period. 4. Best contribution to the Performing Arts: Music during the period. 5. Best contribution to the Literary Arts (including poetry, prose, play-writing) during the period. 6. Best contribution to Crafts and/or Design during the period. 7. Best contribution to Culture during the period. 8. Best project contributing to Disability in the Visual, Performing and Literary Arts. 9. Best project for the Preservation and Promotion of an Indigenous Art Form. Language 1. Neville Alexander Award for the Promotion of Multilingualism for the best contribution towards the promotion of multilingualism during the period. 2. Best project that promoted South African Sign Language or the marginalised indigenous Languages of the Western Cape. 3. Best Contribution to Language Development during the period. Heritage 1. Best Heritage Project submitted during the period. 2. Best Heritage Impact Assessment or Heritage Report submitted during the period. 3. Most active and objective conservation Body, Volunteer or Municipality of the Year during the period. Geographical Names 1. Best Contribution to the Standardisation and / or Public Awareness of Geographical Names in the Western Cape. Museums 1. Best Museum of the period. 2. Best New Museum Project during the period. 3. Best Museum Volunteer during the period. Libraries 1. Best Public Library: Youth Services during the period. 2. Best Public Library: Children’s Services during the period. 3. Best Small Public Library (1–3 staff members) during the period. 4. Best Medium Public Library (4–8 staff members) during the period. 5. Best Big Public Library (9+ staff members) during the period. Archives 1. Contribution to Marketing Archival Services and Resources during the period. 2. Most Active Records Manager during the period. Minister’s Special Awards 1. Outstanding Achievement of Women in the Arts and Culture, Language, Heritage, Geographical Names, Museums, Libraries or Archives fields. 2. Outstanding Achievement of Youth in the Arts and Culture, Language, Heritage, Geographical Names, Museums, Libraries or Archives fields. 3. Lifetime Achievement in the Arts and Culture, Language, Heritage, Geographical Names, Museums, Libraries or Archives fields. 4. National and International Contribution in the Arts and Culture, Language, Heritage, Geographical Names, Museums, Libraries or Archives fields. 2 MAKING A NOMINATION 2.1 Background The Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport seeks to recognise outstanding achievements and contributions in the arts and culture, language, heritage, geographical names, museums, libraries and archives fields in the Western Cape for the 2013/14 financial year (for the period of 1 September to 31 August 2014). These awards are open to individuals, organisation and groups whose efforts have made a difference to communities in the province. The awards also seek to honour those whose work contributes to strengthening the platform upon which the Western Cape can position itself as the creative centre of the nation. 2.2 Eligibility for nomination Nominees must be resident in the Western Cape. In addition, the award adjudication panels will take the following guidelines into account when making their decisions: • the extent to which the nominee demonstrates a commitment to the development needs of the community; • the extent to which the nominee has extensive knowledge of, and experience in, the arts and culture, language, heritage, geographical names, museums, libraries or archives fields in the Western Cape; • the extent to which the nominee is at the forefront of the arts and culture, language, heritage, geographical names, museums, libraries or archives fraternity in the Western Cape; • the extent to which the nominee has had an impact on the upliftment and advancement of arts and culture, language, heritage, geographical names, museums, libraries or archives fields in the Western Cape; and • the extent to which the nominee has had an impact on nation building, youth development and women’s empowerment in the arts and culture, language, heritage, geographical names, museums, libraries or archives fields in the Western Cape. The work for which the nomination is being made must have taken place in the 2013/14 financial year (for the period of 1 September 2013 to 31 August 2014). 2.3 Nomination requirements 1. Award nominations must be made on the form at the end of this document. 2. Each award nomination must be submitted on a separate form. 3. Each award nomination must be accompanied by a one-page motivation and evidence of the work for which the nomination is being made. 4. Award nominations must be received by the Department no later than 24 October 2014. 2.4 Adjudication of awards 1. A panel of experts will evaluate every nomination and make its recommendations. 2. The Department will advise award winners in good time. 3. An awards ceremony will be held at which the winners will be publicly announced. 4. No documentation will be returned. 5. The decision of the selection panel is final, and no discussion or correspondence will be entered into. 2.5 Submission of nominations POST: HAND DELIVERY: Xolisa Tshongolo Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport Private Bag X9067 Cape Town 8000 Xolisa Tshongolo Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport 1st Floor, Protea Assurance Building Greenmarket Square Cape Town FAX: EMAIL: 021 483 9675/ 086 233 8208 [email protected] 2.6 Queries Queries should be addressed to: Xolisa Tshongolo Tel: 021 483 9869 Fax: 021 483 9675/ 086 233 8208 Email: [email protected] 3 CRITERIA FOR AWARDS 3.1 Arts and Culture The adjudication panel will take the following guidelines into account when considering award nominations: • Community impact – the extent to which the nominee has proven measurable, tangible results that demonstrate social inclusivity, enhanced awareness and an integration of the arts and activities. • Innovation – the extent to which the nominee has been innovative and creative in its approach to the art form in question. • Talent identification – the extent to which the nominee identifies talent in the genre. • Targeting of high priority focus areas – the extent to which the nominee addresses such issues as: o job creation; o youth at risk; o skills transfer; o training; or o audience development in a genre. • Youth development – the extent to which the nominee works with young artists and/ or young audiences in the genre with an educational and developmental aspect. • Technical and creative aspects – the extent to which the nominee addresses the technical as well as the creative aspects of a genre. 1. Best contribution to Visual Arts, including Public Arts during the period Nominations are invited for artists making a significant contribution in the mediums of painting, sculpture, graphics, crafts, photography, film and video in the Western Cape. Reviews and development projects, and exhibitions which have attracted large and diverse audience may also be nominated for this award. 2. Best contribution to Performing Arts: Dance during the period Nominations are invited for artists or organisations making a significant contribution to the disciplines of ballet, traditional, modern and contemporary dance in the Western Cape. Possible examples include choreography, formal articulation, popular projects, development projects, dance fusion projects and youth dance training programmes. 3. Best contribution to Performing Arts: Drama during the period Nominations are invited for artists or organisations making a significant contribution to drama in the Western Cape. Possible examples include: plays written and produced; action in verse; mime; formal or popular work; and drama development projects. Nominated organisations should have a proven track record of least two years in the development of drama productions. The extent to which nominees have contributed to the upliftment of women, youth and people with disabilities will be taken into account by the adjudication panel. 4. Best contribution to the Performing Arts: Music during the period In line with the Department’s specific emphasis during the current financial year on development choirs (choral, indigenous, pop and contemporary), nominations are invited for development choirs which have made a significant contribution to this form of music in the Western Cape. To be eligible for nomination, a choir must have been in existence for two years. Among other things, the adjudicating panel will take into account the quality of the choir’s performance and the extent to which it supports facilitates youth training programmes in conducting, voice training and music sight reading. 5. Best contribution to the Literary Arts (including poetry, prose, play-writing) during the period Nominations are invited for people or organisations making a significant contribution to literary arts in the Western Cape, including scriptwriting, poetry, fiction, non-fiction and literary publications. 6. Best contribution to Crafts and/or Design during the period Nominations are invited for talented and emerging crafters and fashion designers in the Western Cape who have reached some professional standing in their discipline and who are making a significant contribution to the field. Possible nominees include people who have developed a craft product, run a craft organisation or been a craft entrepreneur. 7. Best Contribution to Culture during the period Nominations are invited for people who are making significant contribution to cultural activities in the Western Cape communities. Nominations are strongly encouraged for individuals and organisations which play a significant role in promoting African traditions. 8. Best project contributing to Disability in the Visual, Performing and Literary Arts Nominations are invited for artists or organisations in the Western Cape who have made a significant contribution through working with people with disabilities in any arts and culture genre. 9. Best project for the Preservation and Promotion of an Indigenous Art Form Nominations are invited for people or organisations making a significant contribution to an indigenous art form in the Western Cape, e.g. indigenous music, indigenous dance, or indigenous musical instruments. 3.2 Language 1. Neville Alexander Award for the Promotion of Multilingualism for the best contribution towards the promotion of multilingualism during the period Nominations are invited for people or organisations making a significant contribution to improving communication between the different official language communities in the Western Cape, i.e. Afrikaans, English and isiXhosa. 2. Best project that promoted South African Sign Language or the marginalised indigenous Languages of the Western Cape. Nominations are invited for people or organisations making a significant contribution to developing or increasing awareness of marginalised indigenous languages (other than the official languages), including South African Sign Language. 3. Best Contribution to Language Development during the period Nominations are invited for people or organisations making a significant contribution to developing one of the official languages of the Western Cape. Possible examples of projects and activities include terminology development, dictionary development, language standardisation and research. 3.3 Heritage 1. Best Heritage Project submitted during the period. 2. Best Heritage Impact Assessment or Heritage Report Submitted during the period Nominations are invited for the best heritage compiler or compilation of the best report in terms of clarity, objectiveness, quality of research, good methodology, and sound receiving documentation prepared in the period 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014. The nomination must be motivated and should contain, where relevant, visual and other supporting documentation. 3. Most Active and Objective Conservation Body or Municipality during the period Nominations are invited for the best objective and well considered heritage conservation commentary disseminated during the period 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014. The nomination must be motivated and should contain, where relevant, visual and other documentation as evidence. 3.4 Geographical Names 1. Best Contribution to the Standardisation and Public Awareness of Geographical Names in the Western Cape Nominations are invited for significant contributions to the standardisation and public awareness of geographical names in the Western Cape. The nomination must be motivated and should contain, where relevant, visual and other documentation as evidence. 3.5 Museums 1. Best Museum of the period Nominations are invited for the Best Museum of the Year Award. Possible nominees include museums that, during the 2013/14 financial year: • completed a substantial programme of modernisation, extension, re-organisation or re-interpretation; • made significant improvements by enhancing access to, the use of and/ or the interpretation of collections, whether by means of storage facilities, exhibitions or education/ outreach activities and associated information; and • made significant progress in addressing imbalances in the scope and type of collection. While nominations should highlight particular projects or initiatives undertaken or completed during the 2013/14 financial year, it is important that achievements are contextualised within the museum’s work as a whole. The award adjudication panel will take the following guidelines into account when making its decision: • the extent to which the museum has a track record of imagination, innovation and excellence, especially in all work undertaken during the 2013/14 financial year; • the extent to which the museum’s enterprise and innovation is likely to have a significant influence on the provincial and national museum community; • the extent of the museum’s capacity to promote wider public appreciation of the role of museums; • the extent to which the museum provides opportunities for parent and child interaction; • the extent to which the museum is of interest to youth; • the extent to which the museum has clearly won the support and enthusiasm of its visitors and users; • the extent to which the museum uses a range of methods to provide information about, and intellectual access to, its resources; • the extent to which the museum is a major educational resource and tourist attraction; • the extent to which the museum offers high quality visitor services in appropriate amenities; • the extent to which the museum displays sound marketing, management and financial management; • the extent to which the museum displays a sense of social responsibility that addresses current educational, social, economic or environmental issues; • the extent to which the museum makes effective use of available resources (funding, staff and space); and • the extent to which the museum promotes the professional growth of staff and current ethical standards and practices. 2. Best New Museum Project during the period Nominations are invited for the best new museum project that, during the 2013/14 financial year: • presented new information, new perspectives or new insights on an existing collection or theme, or synthesised and presented existing knowledge/ collections in a new way; • made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of public access; • provided an engaging and original educational resource; • was physically, intellectually and emotionally engaging; • made innovative use of media, materials and other design elements; and • was profoundly memorable in a constructive way and evoked responses that could be described as transforming experiences. 3. Best Museum Volunteer during the period Nominations are invited for individual or groups of individuals who have made a significant voluntary contribution to supporting and furthering the goals of a museum by: • acting as volunteer guides; or • providing “behind the scenes” curatorial, educational or library functions; or • providing assistance with special events and fund-raising activities. Museum governing body members may be nominated if their services to the museum exceeded the normal responsibilities of a governing body member. 3.6 Libraries 1. Best Public Library: Children’s Services during the period Innovative and imaginative programmes, projects and events are being presented in public libraries across the Western Cape. This award is aimed at recognising and honouring public libraries for their creativity and passion. The Department wants to give recognition to a public library which has demonstrated excellence in marketing, promotion and outreach activities for children and whose efforts have made a difference to a community in the Western Cape. We are calling on public libraries to nominate themselves for the Best Public Library: Children’s Services Award. Each nomination must be accompanied by a written motivation of approximately one page. Please note that, for the purposes of this award, “children” refers to people in the age group 0–12 years. Motivation The public library’s written motivation must be accompanied by a portfolio, which includes: • A written description of the programme(s) or projects which includes the objectives, planning and execution, obstacles and challenges faced, the resources used and the results obtained. The description should emphasise the innovation, imaginative or special qualities of the project. • Who else was involved – to what extent were partnerships or joint working groups established with departments within the authority, outside bodies and groups within the community? • What was the impact on the community and what are the results and subsequent outcomes? • How sustainable has the project been and what extent has the community taken ownership of the library? • Supporting material such as brochures, testimonials, press clippings, flyers, and photographs. No submitted material will be returned. Criteria for programmes and or projects Programmes and projects to promote, expand or improve the outreach of public library services in communities and establish services where there were previously no services, or in response to community needs, will be considered for this award. The award adjudication committee will take the following into account: • Internal orientation/book education to children; • Library programmes, programmes and events aimed at children; • Exposure of children in terms of technology, for example free internet access; • Workshops for children on crucial current issues; • Film, DVD and video shows aimed at assisting children to address crucial issues; • Marketing the library to children at schools; • Library services aimed at children; • Library resources aimed at children; and • Library services and resources for disabled children (children with visual, physical and/or hearing impairments). 2. Best Public Library: Youth Services during the period Innovative and imaginative programmes, projects and events are being presented in public libraries across the Western Cape. This award is aimed at recognising and honouring public libraries for their creativity and passion. The Department wants to give recognition to a public library which has demonstrated excellence in marketing, promotion and outreach activities for youth and whose efforts have made a difference to a community in the Western Cape. We are calling on public libraries to nominate themselves for the Best Public Library: Youth Services Award. Each nomination must be accompanied by a written motivation of approximately one page. Please note that, for the purposes of this award, “youth” refers to people in the age group 13–21 years. Motivation The public library’s written motivation must be accompanied by a portfolio, which includes: • A written description of the programme(s) or projects which includes the objectives, planning and execution, obstacles and challenges faced, the resources used and the results obtained. The description should emphasise the innovation, imaginative or special qualities of the project. • Who else was involved – to what extent were partnerships or joint working groups established with departments within the authority, outside bodies and groups within the community? • What was the impact on the community and what are the results and subsequent outcomes? • How sustainable has the project been and what extent has the community taken ownership of the library? • Supporting material such as brochures, testimonials, press clippings, flyers, and photographs. No submitted material will be returned. Criteria for programmes or projects Programmes and projects to promote, expand or improve the outreach of public library services in communities and establish services where there were previously no services, or in response to community needs, will be considered for this award. The award adjudication committee will take the following into account: • Internal orientation/ book education to the youth; • Library programmes, projects and events aimed at youth; • Exposure of youth to technology, for example free Internet access; • Workshops for youth on crucial current issues; • Displays and exhibitions aimed at assisting the youth to address crucial issues; • Film, DVD and video shows aimed at assisting the youth to address crucial issues; • Marketing the library to youth at schools; • Library services aimed at the youth; • Library services and resources for disabled youth (youth with visual, physical and/or hearing impairments). 3. Best Small Public Library (1–3 staff members) during the period Innovative and imaginative programmes, projects and events are being presented in public libraries across the Western Cape. This award is aimed at recognising and honouring public libraries for their creativity and passion. The Department wants to give recognition to a small public library which has demonstrated excellence in marketing, promotion and outreach activities and whose efforts have made a difference to a community in the Western Cape. We are calling on public libraries to nominate themselves for the Best Small Public Library award. Each nomination must be accompanied by a written motivation of approximately one page. Please note that, for the purposes of this award, a small public library is one with 1–3 staff members. Motivation The public library’s written motivation must be accompanied by a portfolio, which includes: • A written description of the programme(s) or projects which includes the objectives, planning and execution, obstacles and challenges faced, the resources used and the results obtained. The description should emphasise the innovation, imaginative or special qualities of the project. • Who else was involved – to what extent were partnerships or joint working groups established with departments within the authority, outside bodies and groups within the community? • What was the impact on the community and what are the results and subsequent outcomes? • How sustainable has the project been and what extent has the community taken ownership of the library? • Supporting material such as brochures, testimonials, press clippings, flyers, and photographs. No submitted material will be returned. Criteria for programmes or projects Innovative and imaginative programmes, projects and events are being presented in public libraries across the Western Cape and the award is aimed at recognising and honouring public libraries for their creativity and passion. Programmes and projects to promote, expand or improve the outreach of public library services in communities and establish services where there were previously no services, or in response to community needs, will be considered for this award. The award adjudication committee will take the following into account: • Marketing of the library to all age groups; • Library programmes; • Library projects; • Library services to the community; • Library resources; • Literacy programmes; • Community outreach programmes at all age levels; • Displays and exhibitions; and • Film, DVD and video shows. 4. Best Medium-sized Public Library (4–8 staff members) during the period Innovative and imaginative programmes, projects and events are being presented in public libraries across the Western Cape. This award is aimed at recognising and honouring public libraries for their creativity and passion. The Department wants to give recognition to a medium-sized public library which has demonstrated excellence in marketing, promotion and outreach activities and whose efforts have made a difference to a community in the Western Cape. We are calling on public libraries to nominate themselves for the Best Medium-sized Public Library award. Each nomination must be accompanied by a written motivation of approximately one page. Please note that, for the purposes of this award, a medium-sized public library is one with 4–8 staff members. Motivation The public library’s written motivation must be accompanied by a portfolio, which includes: • A written description of the programme(s) or projects which includes the objectives, planning and execution, obstacles and challenges faced, the resources used and the results obtained. The description should emphasise the innovation, imaginative or special qualities of the project. • Who else was involved – to what extent were partnerships or joint working groups established with departments within the authority, outside bodies and groups within the community? • What was the impact on the community and what are the results and subsequent outcomes? • How sustainable has the project been and what extent has the community taken ownership of the library? • Supporting material such as brochures, testimonials, press clippings, flyers, and photographs. No submitted material will be returned. Criteria for programmes or projects Innovative and imaginative programmes, projects and events are being presented in public libraries across the Western Cape and the award is aimed at recognising and honouring public libraries for their creativity and passion. Programmes and projects to promote, expand or improve the outreach of public library services in communities and establish services where there were previously no services, or in response to community needs, will be considered for this award. The award adjudication committee will take the following into account: • Marketing of the library to all age groups; • Library programmes; • Library projects; • Library services to the community; • Library resources; • Literacy programmes; • Community outreach programmes at all age levels; • Displays and exhibitions; and • Film, DVD and video shows. 5. Best Big Public Library (9+ staff members) during the period Innovative and imaginative programmes, projects and events are being presented in public libraries across the Western Cape. This award is aimed at recognising and honouring public libraries for their creativity and passion. The Department wants to give recognition to a big public library which has demonstrated excellence in marketing, promotion and outreach activities and whose efforts have made a difference to a community in the Western Cape. We are calling on public libraries to nominate themselves for the Best Big Public Library award. Each nomination must be accompanied by a written motivation of approximately one page. Please note that, for the purposes of this award, a big public library is one with 9 staff members or more. Motivation The public library’s written motivation must be accompanied by a portfolio, which includes: • A written description of the programme(s) or projects which includes the objectives, planning and execution, obstacles and challenges faced, the resources used and the results obtained. The description should emphasise the innovation, imaginative or special qualities of the project. • Who else was involved – to what extent were partnerships or joint working groups established with departments within the authority, outside bodies and groups within the community? • What was the impact on the community and what are the results and subsequent outcomes? • How sustainable has the project been and what extent has the community taken ownership of the library? • Supporting material such as brochures, testimonials, press clippings, flyers, and photographs. No submitted material will be returned. Criteria for programmes or projects Innovative and imaginative programmes, projects and events are being presented in public libraries across the Western Cape and the award is aimed at recognising and honouring public libraries for their creativity and passion. Programmes and projects to promote, expand or improve the outreach of public library services in communities and establish services where there were previously no services, or in response to community needs, will be considered for this award. The award adjudication committee will take the following into account: • Marketing of the library to all age groups; • Library programmes; • Library projects; • Library services to the community; • Library resources; • Literacy programmes; • Community outreach programmes at all age levels; • Displays and exhibitions; and • Film, DVD and video shows. 3.7 Archives 1. Contribution to Marketing Archival Services and Resources during the period The adjudication committee will take the following into account when assessing nominations for this award: • The extent to which the nominee has been actively involved in research programmes to contribute to published articles, books, reports and arrangements of group visits to the reading room; • The extent to which the nominee has contributed to sustaining efforts to raise awareness of the services offered by the Archives to diverse community groups and marginalised sections of society; • The extent to which the nominee has contributed to exposing the youth to archival records to enhance learning about the past; and • The extent to which the nominee has participated in the furthering of preservation/ conservation programmes. 2. Most Active Records Manager of the period Nominations are invited for the Most Active Records Manager of the Year. The adjudication committee will take the following into account when assessing nominations for this award: • The extent to which the nominee has contributed to the advancement of the record-keeping profession; • The extent to which the nominee has contributed to sustainable development programmes to improve record management skills; • The extent to which the nominee has maintained efficient classification systems to retrieve information; • The extent to which the nominee has embarked on systematic disposal programmes to destroy ephemeral records and to archive records with enduring value; and • The extent to which the nominee has made innovative use of electronic media to further information management. 3.8 Minister’s Special Awards 1. Outstanding Achievement of Women in the Arts and Culture, Language, Heritage, Geographical Names, Museums, Libraries or Archives fields 2. Outstanding Achievement of Youth in the Arts and Culture, Language, Heritage, Geographical Names, Museums, Libraries or Archives fields 3. Lifetime Achievement in the Arts and Culture, Language, Heritage, Geographical Names, Museums, Libraries or Archives fields 4. National and International Contribution in the Arts and Culture, Language, Heritage, Geographical Names, Museums, Libraries or Archives fields.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 06:37:10 +0000

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