CUP OF INEQUITY OVERFLOWS lastnight putting up short prayers - TopicsExpress


CUP OF INEQUITY OVERFLOWS lastnight putting up short prayers before going down for count, as i prayed about all the violence, all the war, all the evil that is taking place in Iraq and globally ( HORRIFIC video kin to holocaust is pouring out of that hellhole :( SCHOOLS OF CHILDREN GETTING BURIED ALIVE, WHILE WE CRY OVER OUR LOST SOCKS, ALL WHILE VOMIT FLOWS UPON EVERY TABLE, EVERY PULPIT IN PLAIN VIEW:Isaiah28:8... actually beginning to ask that HE not take too long, for witnessing the atrocities going on, rips apart what heart we have, as the dashing of innocence is too much to bear, opened to Psalm94... EVEN having been allowed understanding of TIME, i dont believe the LORD is happy, and is LITERAL MOMENTS FROM RELEASING HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS UPON ALL WICKEDNESS. THUS SAYETH THE LORD, (per vision allowed the night the LORD CONSUMED me in HIS HOLINES) BEHOLD, THE RETURN OF CHRIST IS IMMINENT, PREPARE YOUR HEARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 God of vengeance, Yahweh, God of vengeance, shine forth! 2 Arise, judge of the world, give back the proud what they deserve! 3 How long are the wicked, Yahweh, how long are the wicked to triumph? 4 They bluster and boast, they flaunt themselves, all the evil-doers. 5 They crush your people, Yahweh, they oppress your heritage, 6 they murder the widow and the stranger, bring the orphan to a violent death. 7 They say, Yahweh is not looking, the God of Jacob is taking no notice. 8 Take notice yourselves, you coarsest of people! Fools, when will you learn some sense? 9 Shall he who implanted the ear not hear, he who fashioned the eye not see? 10 Shall he who instructs nations not punish? Yahweh, the teacher of all people, 11 knows human plans and how insipid they are. 12 How blessed are those you instruct, Yahweh, whom you teach by means of your law, 13 to give them respite in evil times, till a pit is dug for the wicked. 14 Yahweh will not abandon his people, he will not desert his heritage; 15 for judgement will again become saving justice, and in its wake all upright hearts will follow. 16 Who rises up on my side against the wicked? Who stands firm on my side against all evil-doers? 17 If Yahweh did not come to my help, I should soon find myself dwelling in the silence. 18 I need only say, I am slipping, for your faithful love, Yahweh, to support me; 19 however great the anxiety of my heart, your consolations soothe me. 20 Are you partner to a destructive court, that gives disorder the status of law? 21 They make an attack on the life of the upright, and condemn innocent blood. 22 No! Yahweh is a stronghold to me, my God is my rock of refuge. 23 He turns back their guilt on themselves, annihilates them for their wickedness, he annihilates them, Yahweh our God.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 17:42:33 +0000

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