CURRENT STATE OF AFFAIRS - DECEMBER 28, 2014 Holding Hands for - TopicsExpress


CURRENT STATE OF AFFAIRS - DECEMBER 28, 2014 Holding Hands for Israel extends heartfelt gratitude to United States Senator Lindsey Graham ( R South Carolina) for his unwavering and cherished support for the State of Israel and commitment to the values that inextricably bind the American people, the Israeli people and people of goodwill all over the world. Senator Graham traveled to Israel this weekend to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu and express strong bipartisan support of the United States Congress for the State of israel regarding two formidable challenges - the looming threat of a nuclear capable Iran and the pending efforts at the United Nations to legitimize, reward and embolden Israels Iranian-sponsored totalitarian terrorist neighbors who are publicly committed to her destruction by requiring Israel to retreat to what are widely acknowledged as indefensible borders. The Senator explained that the Iranian threat is also a great threat to the United States and that “the fate of one nation will determine the fate of the other nation”. He expressed his appreciation for “our common values” and “our common enemies.” With regard to Iran, Prime Minister Netanyahu expressed his concern that Iran has recently been conducting suicide drone tests. Senator Graham stated that the United States Congress, on a partisan basis, is committed to the imposition of stronger sanctions to try to reach a diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear crisis and that legislation is also pending which would require the Obama Administration to seek Congressional approval of any agreement reached by the P5+1. He expressed concern about the obvious strategy of delay; repeated history of Iranian’s long and repeated history of deception and intransigence; and continuous Iranian determination to impede verification. He made reference to the similar failed course of action that was taken with respect to North Korea fearing a deja vu. With respect to the diplomatic situation, Senator Graham stated that the United States Congress - both the House and the Senate - both Democrats and Republicans - know the clear difference between a Hamas terrorist attack designed to maim and murder the maximum number of Israeli innocents and the Israeli government exercising its legitimate right and obligation of self defense - while taking the most extreme precautions to avoid civilian casualties of any military in human history. He stated that there is no moral equivalence - the difference is crystal clear although apparently many in Europe and at the United Nations have it confused at the moment. The Senator stated that The United States Congress will do everything in its power to prevent the United Nations from imposing its will on Israel when any agreement must be appropriately negotiated between the parties involved. I have posted the entire press conference between Prime Minister Netanyahu and Senator Graham above. So my dear friends -- with the holiday behind us -- our work must now continue in earnest. It will take the determination and effort of each of us and of all of us to make certain that truth prevails over deception; love prevails over hate; civility prevails over savagery and good prevails over evil. You can start today by Contacting your United Nations ambassadors, secretaries of state, foreign ministers and heads of state and expressing your disapproval of the pending resolution which would legitimize and reward “Palestinian” terrorism; embolden the oppressive and barbarous Hamas regime; advance the hegemonic aspirations of the brutal regime in Tehran; gravely undermine Israel’s security; and violate preexisting agreements between the parties. and Committing to recruit 10 people to the Holding Hands for Israel and Stop Iran Now pages before the end of the year - the larger and quicker we grow the greater our impact. Your efforts would be most appreciated. As we mark the end of one celebration of miracles-- we must work together to make certain that miracles continue to happen throughout the year. Let the Maccabee spirit live on….. With heartfelt gratitude and much love, Susan
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 14:26:26 +0000

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