CVI (Cortical Visual Impairment) is a neurological visual - TopicsExpress


CVI (Cortical Visual Impairment) is a neurological visual impairment that affects the way the brain processes what the eye sees. Children with CVI are not blind. They can see, just in a different way. Signs of CVI include: The lack of blinking (atypical visual reflexes) Staring at lights for an extended period (light gazing preference) Tends to turn his or her head to the side when reaching for an object (unable to demonstrate an intact visual guided reach) A short visual attention span, but may improve if object is moving Problems with looking at an object presented at a distance (distance viewing is difficult and varies at different phases) Fluctuations in visual functioning throughout the day Perceives color-has color preference of usually red or yellow Problems with objects presented in some visual fields (visual field preferences may use one peripheral field better or may use central vision) Fatigues quickly when engaged in visual activities Items in parenthesis are key visual behaviors to assess and target in treatment Prefers to look at familiar rather than new objects (problems with visual novelty) Needs extended response time when looking at objects Problems looking at objects that are visually complex (difficulties with visual complexity)
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 19:56:23 +0000

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