CYPRUS PROBLEM - SOLVED By Hermes Solomon According to an - TopicsExpress


CYPRUS PROBLEM - SOLVED By Hermes Solomon According to an unnamed source, Cyprus has already been sold, and the DISY-DIKO government has accepted a solution to the Cyprus issue! The secret facts behind the scene are that: The UK, US and Israel knew about the existence of hydrocarbons in the Eastern Mediterranean since 1968, but due to the unsettled situation in the region, they held back from exploiting them. Hydrocarbons in vast quantities also exist off the coast of Pomos-Pyrgos, in the Cretan and LibyanSea, and in the area of Kastellorizo and the Southern Aegean Sea. The US and its Jewish lobby, the Cypriot foreign minister at the time, Nicos Rolandis, the foreign ministers of Greece, Theodoros Pangalos and George Papandreou, recommended a combined exploitation with Turkey, whose terms were ‘unrealistic’. During the governments of Costas Karamanlis and Tassos Papadopoulos, the US ambassadors in Athens and Nicosia rejuvenated the subject with Turkish terms adjusted and incorporated. Karamanlis rejected the format and Papadopoulos refused to respond. Instead, he began secret negotiations, first with Israel and then with Egypt, all three accepting the ratification of an agreement for the delineation of the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ). The refusal by Tassos Papadopoulos to accept the Annan Plan infuriated the Americans. They no longer trusted him to use the agreement on the EEZ in accordance with their plans and the shelved its final ratification. With the election of Christofias, the US supported a bi-zonal federation and exerted pressure on Turkey. They encouraged Nobel Energy and Israel to form an alliance with Cyprus so that the process of exploitation, implementing ‘their plans’, would become a reality. The Christofias government suspected US intentions and with the encouragement of Israel, (in particular Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who preferred minimal US participation in the exploitation of the EEZ) began to approach other energy giants – especially those of Russia, China, France and Italy. Turkey reacted, seeing matters moving beyond her control, and Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan met with George Soros in Davos in 2009 who advised Turkey to form a pact with Greece, Israel and Cyprus, by submitting to ‘serious concessions’ over the Cyprob in exchange for participation in the ‘hydrocarbon game’. George Soros then arranged secret meetings between Erdogan, Papandreou and Merkel, who agreed with his plan, and during a second meeting of the three, they invited Anastasiades into the fold. At this meeting the following decisions were made: Germany must keep Greece financially afloat – Turkey helping if necessary. George Soros would undermine the Cyprus economy to the degree that its financial survival would appear impossible, negatively influencing rating agencies and discouraging any investment in Cyprus. This done, Anastasiades would be assured of an election victory by intensifying his opposition and nullifying any attempt by Christofias to reinforce the economy In December 2012, a new meeting took place between Soros, Erdogan, Merkel and Samaras, this time in Berlin, where the following final plan was decided: The election of Anastasiades would bring about a programmed collapse of the economy and enforcement of strict austerity measures, which in themselves would demoralise the people, who would succumb peaceably and accept any forthcoming Cyprob solution. Anastasiades would sign a choking memorandum before any ‘limited’ financial help was afforded to Cyprus, the Central Bank intentionally obscuring actual economic data and magnifying deficits to levels causing fright and insecurity. This would be followed by talks for a quick closure of the Cyprus issue, which would provide for indirect suzerainty of Turkey and Greece; limited rearrangement and compensations relating to the property issue, acceptance of a bi-zonal bi-communal federation with a weak central government controlled from Brussels, departure of the Greek and Turkish troops, disarming and disbanding of the National Guard and assumption of responsibility for security of the island by a European force, which would comprise Turkish, Greek and EU troops. After signing the solution agreement and acceptance of Turkey into the EU-fold, Greece, Federal Cyprus, and Turkey, would sign an agreement of Friendship and Cooperation for the exploitation of the natural and mineral wealth in the areas under their jurisdiction in a manner and participation that would be defined in the agreement according to the following share-out, Turkey 40 per cent, Greece 30 per cent, Cyprus 20 per cent and the EU 10 per cent to cover expenses for security and guaranteeing the solution. With the ratification of these agreements, Turkey would undertake, as a gesture of goodwill, to pay 50 per cent of the memorandum debt, and the other 50 per cent would be defrayed by the EU as a gesture of solidarity to the newly formed state. The three allied countries – Turkey, Cyprus, and Greece and supervised by the European Union – would commonly finance the construction of the pipeline to transport hydrocarbons from all points of extraction, through Turkey to Europe; Israel would be invited to actively participate in this project. All sounds good to me, but am I pipe-dreaming? Thus far Anastasiades has been elected president, the Cyprus economy has been annihilated, Turkey has re-opened chapters for its EU entry, Greece is being kept afloat by German geld, Noble is drilling a second hole and huge deposits will be verified by October, the Cyprus government and hoi polloi are toothless, while our Central Bank governor refuses to remove capital controls, which means that he, in conjunction with a complicit troika and the European Central Bank, rule the island’s decimated banks and financial services sector. A week is a long time in politics; seven years with 30 per cent unemployed waiting for benefits from gas exploration, is an eternity. Predicted vast quantities of eastern Mediterranean gas have brought the hornets humming around this banana republic, which is now, more than ever, at the mercy of third party interests. And you thought gas would save us, did you? Well, think again. There’s no such thing as a free lunch, 7 series BMW, chauffeur, bodyguards, secure income, pensions and perks unless you belong to the island’s ‘elite’, who between them and the troika have turned this half republic into an alms-house for the ordinary citizen.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 09:46:06 +0000

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