"Cabana este situata la 32 km de Alba Iulia, jud. Alba, pe Valea - TopicsExpress


"Cabana este situata la 32 km de Alba Iulia, jud. Alba, pe Valea Fenesului la o altitudine de 1000 m, in vecinatatea Varfului Dambau, cel mai inalt varf din Muntii Trascaului (1. 369 m). Cabana dispune de un living la parter in cadrul caruia este amenajata o bucatarie complet utilata, mansarda cu doua camere, hol si balcon cu vedere spre Varful Trascau, curte cu foisoi, balansoar, piscina, gratar, ceaun si parcare proprie. Terenul aferent cabanei se intinde pe o suprafata de 9. 000 mp, permitand astfel desfasurarea de activitati sportive (tenis, fotbal, volei). ACCESUL se face pe un drum asfaltat pana la cabana. SERVICII: televiziune prin satelit, incalzire permanenta pe lemn si pe baza electrica, frigider, aragaz. La cerere, se poate pune la dispozitie o bucatareasa pentru pregatirea unor meniuri cu specific traditional. CAPACITATE: 12 locuri AGREMENT: drumetii, pescuit, vanatoare, jocuri sportive (tenis, fotbal, volei). OBIECTIVE TURISTICE: - PESTERA DAMBAU - aflata pe teritoriul orasului Zlatna, judetul Alba, in partea de sud- vest a Muntilor Trascaului. Pestera s- a format intr- un masiv izolat de calcare tithonice care alcatuiesc partea superioara a varfului Dambau. Acest varf de 1369 m este situat in partea de SV a Trascaului, in NE orasului Zlatna. Este marginit la vest de Valea Morilor spre care coboara o panta abrupta, iar la est, de Valea Fenesului cu frumoase chei. Pestera are doua sectoare distincte, formate independent: Galeria Scarilor, Galeria Lacului. - CHEILE CAPREI - Rezervatia naturala aflata in partea sudica a Muntilor Trascaului, pe teritoriul nordic al satului Fenes, strabatuta de Valea Fenesului, avand o suprafata de 15 ha" "The cottage is located 32 km from Alba Iulia, Alba, on the Fenes Valley at an altitude of 1000 m, near the Peak mountain, the highest peak in the Trascau mountain range(1. 369 m). On the ground floor, the cottage has an open living room area with a fully equipped kitchen, an attic with two bedrooms, a lounge area and a balcony overlooking the Trascau Peak. Also, the cottage has a great back yard, with rocking chairs, swimming pool, barbeque area, kettle and parking space. The lodge covers an area of 9. 000 sqm, allowing sporting activities like tennis, soccer, volleyball. The access to the cottage is done on a paved road. Services included: Satellite TV, permanent heating system, based on wood and electric, a refrigerator and a stove. By request, we can provide a cook to prepare traditional meals for the guests. Capacity: 12 people LEISURE: hiking, fishing, hunting, sports games (tennis, soccer, volleyball). SIGHTSEEING: - DAMBAU Cave - located in the Zlatna city, Alba, in the south-west of the Trascau Mountains, the cave was formed in a massive limestone isolated from Tithonia that created the top of the mountain. This peak of 1369 m high is located in the SW of Trascau Mountains, in NE Zlatna city. On the west side it is bordered by a beautiful lake from where it descends a steep slope and on the east, by the Fenes Valley, with beautiful keys. The cave has two distinct sections, independent formats: Stairs Gallery and Gallery Lake. - CAPRI Keys – a Nature Reserv, located in the southern part of the Trascau Mountains, on the northern territory of the Fenes village, crossed by the Fenes valley, with an area of 15 ha"
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 06:44:00 +0000

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