Caesar Burgos MUST READ: 5 November 20014 A friend of mine - TopicsExpress


Caesar Burgos MUST READ: 5 November 20014 A friend of mine wrote, I honestly cant believe the hate I hear from the same folks who accuse others of hate. Eyes now should be on Obama to see what he does for the next two years. The next two will define his presidency. He can do one of two things. He can cry like a baby or he can man up and end his term on a positive note as did Clinton. He worked with Republicans for SIX years and it worked well for country. Here was my reply: Are you kidding me! LOL! LOL! Are you rewriting history here? President Clinton worked so well with the Republicans that they went ahead and IMPEACHED him! Despite the fact that he left the country in the GREEN, fighting the Republicans tooth and nail to get his economic policies passed. Republicans went HARD after President Clinton and all because he came up clean in the Whitewater Scandal of which he and the First Lady had nothing to do with other than lose money on the deal. So, Republicans went after the President on a personal matter. They got him to admit an affair and screwed him that way. Typical clean Republican fun when compared to the dirty, filthy tricks Republicans have been pulling during President Obamas tenure and while holding hostage the economy of the nation as a whole. Their money laundering just became easier with no money trail when it was sanctioned by the Supreme Courts Citizens United money in politics decision. So, now after voter suppression tactics unprecedented since the Jim Crow and Carpetbagger days, manipulation of public opinion by skewing the facts on FOX NEWS, the Republicans (with the humongous donations by the likes of the Koch Brothers) bought themselves the Senate. No doubt they will pass bills at lightening speed...take all the credit, and should President Obama dare to use his Constitutionally assured right to use the VETO, Republicans will attempt to impeach him for, as you said, ...not crying like a baby and manning up. You are almost as old as I am and certainly were around when all the above was happening. You spoke of Clintons six years as opposed to Obamas six years. You cannot even come to compare the two. Read.... Clinton signed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 in August of that year, which passed Congress without a Republican vote. It cut taxes for fifteen million low-income families, made tax cuts available to 90 percent of small businesses, and raised taxes on the wealthiest 1.2 percent of taxpayers. Additionally, through the implementation of spending restraints, it mandated the budget be balanced over a number of years. Wikipedia. The KEY phrase here was, and I quote, ...passed Congress WITHOUT a Republican vote. Well, so much for your claim that Republicans were working with President Clinton, and that somehow that fictitious relationship, ...worked well for the country.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 15:32:42 +0000

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