Cain Dingle receives shocking news next week as he learns that he - TopicsExpress


Cain Dingle receives shocking news next week as he learns that he has a life-threatening brain aneurysm. Cain hears the worrying diagnosis when he gets himself checked out at A&E on the orders of his ex-partner Charity, after days of hiding worrying symptoms. The villages resident hardman remains in denial afterwards as he refuses to have an urgent operation, but he later pays the price for ignoring the severity of the situation when he collapses and falls into a river. We recently caught up with Jeff Hordley, who plays Cain, to hear more about what to expect from the story. When were you first told about the storyline? It came up really quickly, to be perfectly honest with you. I kind of know why the story is happening, but I cant really say what the plan is because that would be giving too much away! It started off really quickly because all of a sudden Cain was coming back from abroad, hed lost his car and he was telling everyone that it had been stolen. I didnt really know what was going on, but then they explained to me that Cain was starting to have blackouts and other symptoms. Why is Cain keeping so quiet about his symptoms? I think Cain just doesnt want anyone to know whats going on. Hed rather just suffer in silence than admit that something is wrong. He only confides in Charity because she finds him getting up from a blackout in the garage, but he threatens to kick her and Noah out if she tells anyone. If theres one positive message this story should have, its definitely that if youre ever worried about something that is not quite right, you should go and see the doctor to get it sorted. Its much better to do that as early as possible rather than coming when its too late. Wouldnt it be better for Cain to just confide in Moira? Well, he doesnt want to worry her. Moira ends up fearing that he is cheating on her with Charity, but Cain doesnt have a clue about that. Hes being quite secretive with Charity and snappy at Moira because of his illness, which makes her suspicious. Hed be gutted if he knew how she was feeling, because he loves her to bits. Once Cain gets his diagnosis, why doesnt he want to go ahead with the operation? Because Cain feels that the doctors have tinkered around with his head too many times before, and as he describes to Charity in quite a funny line, hes not a game of Operation! Cain feels that all kinds of things could go wrong. Hes scared and out of his comfort zone, because with this particular operation, hes worried that it could leave him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. What was it like to film the scenes where Cain collapses and falls into a river? It was a cold day! Fortunately I had a wet suit on. I got to do my own stunt, but it wasnt jumping off a bridge or anything - it was just falling backwards into some water. What was difficult was having to submerge my ears into water and then hear action being shouted while it was very muffled. I also had to remember to stay absolutely still while being brought out of the water, as Cain was supposed to be unconscious. It was difficult but great fun. What happens afterwards? Its not looking good for Cain. They rush him to the hospital and theyre not sure whats going to happen. Cain still refuses to have the operation, but everyone is round his bed trying to persuade him otherwise. Debbie and the Dingles are all there, but Moiras given up. He refuses to have the operation because hes frightened. Well learn that Cains condition stems back to Zaks attack on him a few years back. Will Cain blame his father? No, there are some scenes coming up where that is put to bed, really. Its great that weve tied that story in, though. There are exchanges with Zak and Cain throughout all of this which throw a nod to that story. Have you enjoyed showing Cains vulnerable side with this story and other recent ones? Absolutely. I think its a natural progression for the character to mature. Cain has been in the show for 14 years now. He was 26 when he joined and now hes just turned 40. People do change from their 20s to their 40s, so its a natural and obvious progression and its really good to play. Could this situation bring Cain and Charity closer together? Definitely. I think theres always going to be a bond between Cain and Charity because they were first loves. Theyve got a daughter who they, in their own unique way, have to look after! Thats their common bond so theyll always have this relationship. On Twitter, there are hardcore Cain/Moira and Cain/Charity camps. Do you have a preference? To be honest, I dont! I think both couples have their merits and I love working with both Natalie and Emma. I think its really interesting that there are two camps and itd be good to explore that further. I think its great that Cain has stood by Charity recently, because theres a long-standing history between them. Hes always supported her and we sometimes have to work out why! Im not saying he loves Charity, but theres something there and I cant quite put my finger on what it is. I dont know what the storyliners have got lined up for us, but I do think that would be an interesting avenue to explore in the future - Cain/Moira and Cain/Charity. Will Emma Bartons arrival also have an impact on Cain? Absolutely. I think shes going to have an impact on all of the Bartons and everyone living on that farm. Itll be really interesting to watch. I havent done any scenes with Gillian yet, though! Which Emmerdale stories have you enjoyed watching yourself in the past year? I think the Donna and Ross storyline was pretty spectacular. I really enjoyed that. It had echoes of Cain and Angie in there - the villain falling in love with the policewoman, but it was obviously a very different storyline because of Donnas illness. I thought Mike Parr and Verity Rushworth did a sterling job with that - they were brilliant. With Cain having health problems, we have to ask whether youre planning on leaving anytime soon… I havent got any plans to go anywhere! Im definitely happy here at the moment.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 11:58:56 +0000

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