Cajus mom. His magic never ends. Truly. I had the most amazing - TopicsExpress


Cajus mom. His magic never ends. Truly. I had the most amazing Friday bringing his ashes to the fazenda (ranch). Let me try to put it into words...but know that this cannot possibly convey the experience and how I felt him close to me. I will put some photos up as well but first let me tell the story. We drove out of big city São Paulo in the middle of deep clouds. As we got closer to the fazenda, lines of sunlight tore through the clouds and lit the trail to Joanópolis, home to the fazenda. Rays of light. I knew Caju was waiting for me there. When we got there, my husband drove me and the twinkies to the lower ranch where the huge lake is. The lake that shows in his incredible jump in his cover photo (one of a thousand he made off that dock--he was the original dock dog). I asked him to take Haifa with him as she has never loved water and I wanted to be with just Caju for a minute. And I did not call Cafu, Cajus best friend, the German shepherd who lives at the ranch. Why not? Because if I alerted Cafu, he would come with three crazy border collies and Zoe, the GS pup who does not stay still. This was a moment for me and the kids. And the warrior. As we walked out towards the dock, the sun was still hidden behind the clouds, and the water was quiet. As we turned onto the pathway to the dock, a huge wind came up. A HUGE wind. The water got choppy and wavy like when Caju used to swim, and I knew that the warrior had flapped in with his ginormous wings. And he had brought friends--all those who had come down from the bridge to say goodbye to me: Buddy, Chopp, Pearl, Toby, Buster, Dottie, Emmitt...too many to name but the gusts were from their wings, of that I am sure. I opened the bag and the twinkies threw the ashes into the wind--huge sprays of silver dust flew into the water, mixing forever with his beloved lake. And as quickly as the wind had come up, it was gone and the sun came out over the lake. I am not making this up. It was surreal. As we walked back up the hill to the main house, two of the border collies, Zoe the GS puppy and finally a limping 12 year old Cafu came down the hill. All went zooming by except Cafu. Cafu looked at me, accepted a pat, then sat down a little farther down the hill and he just looked at the dock. A gust of wind ruffled his greying fur. I am not kidding. This is exactly as it happened. He stayed and watched for a minute, maybe two, then we all went up to the house and hugged our friends. Our friends who own the house said they saw the gusts come over the lake and said that they knew Caju was swimming again. And so I cried. But it doesnt end there, but for those who do not believe in supernatural messages, you may want to sign off now. Youll think Im nuts. Later that evening, we were driving home to the upper ranch house, the German house. And from the path to the lake ran a big bunny. I have never ever seen a bunny in the 12 years I have visited the fazenda. And I thought hmmmm.... and then as we climbed the last hill to the German house, a huge owl flew right alongside the car and stopped on a tree high above us, looking down at us with his huge dark eyes. And we looked at each other for a minute and then he flew off into the night. I have never seen an owl at the fazenda either. It was Cajus escort, taking him back to the bridge. And that is how it was. Caju is home.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 21:04:19 +0000

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