California’s Last Slave Case By STACEY L. SMITH Disunion In - TopicsExpress


California’s Last Slave Case By STACEY L. SMITH Disunion In January 1864, African-Americans across California celebrated the one-year anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation with midnight church services, rallies and parades. Although California was a free state with an antislavery constitution, and was distant from the battlefields of the Civil War, most black Californians linked the national conflict over slavery to their own freedom struggle on the Pacific Coast. They hoped that the triumph of the Republican Party and the demise of slavery would help overturn a decade of proslavery legislation in the state that had consigned hundreds of its African-Americans to enslavement and exclusion from basic civil rights. While slavery was technically forbidden, it was widely practiced and rarely challenged. As one gathering of black celebrants declared, the war promised to extend African-Americans “rights to protection [and] equality in law” that the Golden State had long denied them. Just two months after the Emancipation Proclamation anniversary celebrations, events in Sacramento highlighted the abuses that African-Americans suffered in California. Sometime in 1863, a slaveholder named Harder had purchased a 12-year-old enslaved black girl named Edith in Missouri and took her to California. By February 1864, Harder decided to sell the girl to Walter Gammon, a Tennessee-born farmer living in rural Sacramento County. A witness testified that once she arrived in the Gammon household, Edith was treated as a slave, “inhumanely beaten and let go with out the necessary care and clothing to make her comfortable and decent.” The witness who intervened on Edith’s behalf was a free black man named Daniel Blue. A middle-aged laundryman with a wife and children of his own, Blue had somehow caught wind of Edith’s plight. He filed a complaint against Gammon in the county court and requested that the judge issue a writ of habeas corpus on Edith’s behalf. This legal document would force Gammon to bring the girl before the court, where the judge would determine whether the Tennessean was illegally detaining her. Once before the judge, Gammon tried to beat the charges by claiming that Edith lived in his household “of her own free will and choice.” Meanwhile, Blue filed a petition with the probate court asking to become Edith’s guardian. Although cases like Edith’s were rare by 1864 — the historical record suggests that she was the last African-American sold as a slave in California — her forced migration, sale and enslavement on the Pacific Coast was hardly unprecedented. Both before and after the passage of California’s 1849 constitution banning slavery, white Southerners brought slaves into the state to work in the mines or to labor as domestic servants. Around 200 enslaved African-Americans could be found working in California at any given time during the early 1850s, and as many as 600 to 1,000 may have arrived in California before the Civil War. Slavery gained a foothold in California because proslavery, Southern-born whites, many of them affiliated with the Democratic Party, dominated the state legislature and judiciary and used their power to chip away at the state constitution. Eager to assert slaveholders’ rights to take their human property into new federal territories in the West, proslavery legislators passed a special fugitive slave law for California in 1852. This law allowed masters who had taken their slaves into California before official statehood (while it was still a federal territory and before the state constitution went into effect) to keep them and take them back to the slave states. Slaves who resisted this process were to be treated as fugitives from labor. Moreover, African-Americans who arrived as slaves — and even those born free — lacked the basic legal rights to defend themselves against accusations of fugitivism: The fugitive slave law prohibited alleged fugitive slaves from testifying or calling witnesses on their own behalf. California’s black laws, formulated by proslavery Democrats, also barred African-Americans from testifying in court against whites. As one critic of the California fugitive slave law put it, the state legislature “could scarcely devise a bill to give the intended victims less opportunity to be heard.” At least two dozen African-Americans suffered removal to the slave states under the new law. The state supreme court, dominated by Southerners, twice upheld the constitutionality of these deportations. Despite these obstacles, free black antislavery activists like Daniel Blue contested the proslavery stranglehold over the state. Unable to testify against slaveholders in court, they encouraged and hid runaway slaves and they paid white attorneys to defend alleged fugitives. This activism came at a high cost. After one especially controversial slave case in 1858, proslavery legislators tried to discourage free black migration into California by threatening to pass a law that would punish new African-American arrivals with jail time, forced labor and deportation. Had Edith arrived in California a few years earlier, then, her sale and status as a slave in the Gammon home might have been tolerated in the courts, and Blue’s petition for her freedom dismissed outright. The coming of the Civil War, however, turned the political tide. Proslavery Democrats’ sympathy for secession — and the departure of several prominent California Democrats to join the Confederate Army — discredited the party. Its influence faded. Meanwhile, California Republicans seized control of state politics. In the early 1860s, they won the governorship and dozens of seats in the Legislature. Many of these new Republican officeholders opposed granting full citizenship and voting rights to African Americans, but most resented proslavery efforts to undermine California’s constitution and did believe that black residents were entitled to basic legal rights. The first Republican attack on the proslavery regime came in 1862. In the wake of a petition campaign by African-Americans, Republican assemblymen attempted to repeal the ban on black court testimony. The measure failed in the state senate, where Democrats retained power, but Republicans’ commitment to civil equality heartened many African-Americans. The Pacific Appeal, San Francisco’s black newspaper, predicted that in another year “the people of California will be convinced that it is no longer to their interest to yield their obedience to the demands of the Slave Oligarchy.” This prophecy came true in 1863 when Republican legislators, bolstered by electoral victories the previous fall, finally passed a bill removing all restrictions on African-American testimony. California Republicans’ support for civil equality energized black activists and gave them the legal tools that they needed to defend their freedom. This explains how Edith finally escaped her bondage. Exercising his new rights, Blue was able not only to enter a complaint against Gammon, but also to call free black witnesses who refuted the slaveholder’s claims that Edith voluntarily agreed to live with him. These witnesses were so persuasive that on March 9, 1864, a Sacramento probate judge removed the child from Gammon’s custody and approved Blue’s petition to become her permanent guardian. Blue’s legal triumph over slavery seemed to confirm black activists’ hopes that the Civil War and national emancipation would reach west to sweep away California’s restrictions on African-American freedom and citizenship. Unfortunately, black Californians’ wartime rights victories were overshadowed by a resurgence of antiblack sentiment in the postwar era. In 1867, a revived California Democratic Party pledged to stall the extension of voting rights to black men. Democrats argued that giving the vote to one nonwhite group would inevitably lead to the enfranchisement of Chinese immigrants. The Democratic promise of “no Negro or Chinese suffrage” appealed to members of California’s growing anti-Chinese movement, and they swept the state elections. Over the next three years, the Democratic legislature refused to ratify the 14th Amendment, which would guarantee African-American civil rights, and rejected the 15th Amendment, which would give voting rights to black men. California would not ratify these crucial pieces of legislation until the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. The ultimate ratification of the 14th and 15th Amendments at the national level finally forced California to recognize African-American civil rights and to extend voting rights to black men. Still, the Legislature’s attempt to revive the antiblack policies of the prewar era, and to link them to the anti-Chinese movement, dashed African-American activists’ dreams of a reconstructed California, where race and color would no longer stand as barriers to full freedom. opinionator.blogs.nytimes/2014/03/05/californias-last-slave-case/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 19:25:50 +0000

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