Call Congress Now at (888) 804-8311 to Oppose Fast Track National - TopicsExpress


Call Congress Now at (888) 804-8311 to Oppose Fast Track National Call-in Day against Fast Track Call Congress Now at(888) 804-8311 Fast Track for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) would pose a grave risk to good-paying jobs and economic equality in the United States and beyond. Please participate in todays National Call-in Day against Fast Track by calling your Represenative now at (888) 804-8311. President Obamas State of the Union address last night was chock full of excellent ideas for addressing economic inequality — but his request for Congress to approve Fast Track legislation wasnt one of them. The President may believe the TPP will grow our economy, but weve tried this approach before and it hasnt worked. Big corporations will take advantage of the deal to send more of our jobs overseas, to take advantage of low wages and weak environmental rules. We need a new approach, not a Fast Track for the old one. Please call your U.S. Representative tollfree right now at (888) 804-8311 and urge them to oppose Fast Track for the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The TPP has been negotiated in secret and has still not been released to the public. Meanwhile, hundreds of corporate lobbyists have been granted access to the texts and have, in fact, been enlisted to help write them. We cannot afford for Congress to Fast Track a NAFTA of the Pacific that offshores jobs, drives down wages in the jobs that are left and reduces revenues for our schools, roads and bridges, while also giving transnational corporations the power to attack our environmental, consumer and other public interest policies. Call Congress now at (888) 804-8311 and voice your opposition to Fast Track for the TPP. Calling only takes a minute, but it delivers a powerful message to Congress that constituents are watching them on this issue. Together, our calls and emails stopped Fast Track in the last session — and together we can stop Fast Track for good this year. Please call now. In solidarity, Arthur Stamoulis, Executive Director CITIZENS TRADE CAMPAIGN Online: Twitter: @citizenstrade PS — If youre unable to call at the moment, you can still make a difference by emailing your Members of Congress now.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 20:11:51 +0000

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