Call for papers We would like to invite you to speak at the - TopicsExpress


Call for papers We would like to invite you to speak at the THESEUS Conference “A vision for post-­crisis Europe: Towards what kind of Political Union?” Vienna, 17-­18 October 2013. Within the last few years a vital debate about the future of European integration has been launched notably regarding the issue of “political union”. Under the pressure of the crisis, the issue of ‘finalité politique’ has again returned to the heart of academic and public debates. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel called countries to give up more powers to Europe “step by step” as way out of crisis. The French President François Hollande declared that he wanted to take a European initiative for a “economic government” and “political union” within two years. In contrast in the UK, a new debate on the repatriation of competences towards the nations has been launched. While most of the academic and political debates deal with the consequences for the different policy fields or the institutional set-up of the Union, there are only a few exchanges about national perceptions and differing understandings. In order to capture the ambiguous meanings and developments, besides different national perspectives the conference will discuss conceptual and theoretical approaches. In doing so future strategies and roadmaps will be identified. Taking into account the different national debates as well as political and juridical cultures, the THESEUS conference asks academic and political contributors for member states’ views on: - What are the definitions and approaches for academia to deal with? - What does a political union mean for nation states? - What do nation states expect? What are the limits and constraints to set up a political union? - Does more economic integration make a political union necessary? - What are the next steps? Is there a need for a European convention? What does it mean for European elections in 2014? Call for Participation: We invite PhD students and young researchers for participation as junior discussant and/or rapporteur. We offer you a European wide, cross-generational network of academics and politicians dealing with European integration. The participation is free of charge. Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 250 EUR. Submission of Abstracts: Please send us abstracts for papers of max. 300 words dealing with one of the above-mentioned questions, together with a short CV indicating name, institutional affiliation, telephone number and email address. Please send your abstracts via email to Mirja Schröder, THESEUS programme director: mirja•schroeder©uni-koeln•de• Deadline for submission of abstracts: September 10, 2013. Notification of accepted abstracts: September 18, 2013 About the project: THESEUS is a common initiative of Sciences Po Paris, the Jean-Monnet-Chair for Political Science at the University of Cologne, the Trans European Policy Studies Association (Brussels) and the Fritz Thyssen Foundation (Cologne). Since 2007, THESEUS aims at fostering an open and constructive dialogue about the future challenges of Europe between academia and politics but also between generations. Thereby its purpose is to establish a European interdisciplinary and cross-generational network and to enhance the mutual understanding of societies in Europe. In doing so it enables especially junior researchers to create a sustainable network both of young leaders and of recognised experts from academia and politics. For more information please visit:
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 15:44:58 +0000

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