Call for proposal for Baseline Survey in Fata & Midterm Assessment - TopicsExpress


Call for proposal for Baseline Survey in Fata & Midterm Assessment in FATA & KPK An International development organization is looking to hire the services of an organization/firm to conduct baseline survey in Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and Mid-term assessment in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) & FATA. Organization/firm will be responsible for carrying out the overall survey, developing the methodology and instrument, managing the data collection and entry, processing and analyzing the data and report writing. Background The KPK (approximately 17.7 million people) and FATA (approximately 3.1 million people) are two of the most underdeveloped areas of Pakistan. The vast majority of the population lives in rural areas and subsistence level farming and trade are the primary sources of income for the vast majority of the populations. These provinces lie at the epicenter of the country’s struggle with violent terrorist organizations and counter-terrorism interventions, which have led to an increase in civilian casualties in these areas. The US government seeks to assist the Government of Pakistan and local service providers in addressing gaps in services to these at-risk populations. The goal of the program is to establish the long-term provision of more equitable and transparent assistance for civilian victims of conflict related violence. Objective The purpose of the proposed assignment it to conduct a) Baseline Survey in FATA and b) a Midterm Assessment in FATA and KPK. This will aim to collect information on project beneficiaries, project indicators, and the project area and how it is benefiting the target population and explore the best practices and challenges in the process of implementation of the project. The baseline and midterm assessments will also collect both quantitative and qualitative (HH survey, FGDs and interviews with key beneficiaries and stakeholders) data on a random population-based sample of the project area. The mid-term assessment will include a questionnaire on opinion and Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP).Organization/firm will lead the entire survey and the assessment with support from Program team. Organization/firm will coordinate its work with Program Director M&E and HQ M&E Staff also. Project Area The Project area at this time is broadly defined as the KP and FATA. The project area will be further defined upon award of a sub-agreement. The Baseline Survey will be conducted in FATA and the midterm assessment will be conducted in FATA & KPK. Methodology The baseline & mid-term assessment will involve a mixed methods approach. Organization/firm’s Assessment Lead will work closely with the M&E Unit to roll out the data collection and data entry process. The Assessment Lead will establish a data collection protocol in close coordination with the program Director M&E before enumerators’ training starts. This discussion will help organization/firm prepare for the field and data entry work. Organization is expected to coordinate with the program team throughout the preparation of the protocol, including a logistics and data quality plan to ensure the survey and data entry work is implemented and completed on time and the data is ready for analysis, after reviewing the filled forms, data entry cleaning and preparing a data set for further analysis The logistics plan should be detailed and clear i.e. timeline, locations, team names, activity and tasks etc. The plan should have a daily schedule, indicating where each enumerator team is located. The data quality plan will provide quality control procedures to maximize data quality and minimize measurement biases and identifies the focal person who will be ensuring the quality of data during the data collection phase. Timeline a) Baseline Survey: Program desires to complete the Baseline Survey by submitting the final reviewed /revised report by August 30, 2013. b) Midterm Assessment: The mid-term Assessment will be initiated in mid of December 2013 and will be completed by 15 February 2014 by submitting the final reviewed /revised report. It is preferred that the Organization/firm conducts the assessment simultaneously in the KP and FATA region. Organization/firm is expected to manage the Mid-term survey in its entirety, ensuring data quality, consistency and coherency. The firm /organization should submit a detailed timeline of the proposed activities along with the technical proposal. Instruments Organization/firm will work with the program team to develop the household survey instruments and the mid-term assessment tools and translate them into regional languages and conduct pre-testing. Organization/firm is expected to develop an enumerator training guide which will provide specific information on the survey protocol and midterm assessment for each question and its probing, processes and instruments, and basics of conducting the household interviews, FGDs, interviews with key stakeholders etc. for both the baseline survey and the midterm assessment. The sampling methodology will be decided in coordination with the program and M&E team, for both the baseline survey and the midterm assessment. Key Activities Organization/firm will have the following specific tasks; ◾Lead baseline survey and mid-term assessment in collaboration with Director M&E. ◾Finalize assessment protocol in line with program indicators, including a logistics and data quality plan for implementing the survey data collection, any qualitative activities and data entry forms; translate protocol and instruments into appropriate languages; ◾Finalize Assessment instruments with the team, developing survey instruments, methods and/or tools; ◾Print the baseline and the assessment protocol; ◾Engage the Director M&E and Support Team in development of the protocol and assessment instruments; ◾Develop sampling methodology and obtain feedback from Director M&E and HQ staff; ◾Design a training guide for use during the enumerator training; translate all training materials to the appropriate languages; ◾Provide training to the enumerator in coordination with the Directors Program and M&E and/or HQ M&E staff; ◾Pilot test the mid-term assessment instruments, methods and/or tools, making corrections as necessary for contextual consistency between regions and languages; ◾Train data entry personnel to enter quantitative and qualitative data; ◾Document the data collection and entry process, especially actions and procedures taken outside of the protocol; ◾Provide quality assurance and quality control throughout the baseline survey and the mid-term Assessment; ◾Clean and process the dataset (of baseline survey and midterm assessment); ◾Analyze quantitative and qualitative data for mid-term assessment report; and ◾Draft and finalize mid-term assessments reports. ◾The Organization /firm’s will provide the filled forms which have been entered by the data entry operators for analysis. TIMEFRAME AND LOGISTICS The Baseline & Mid-term assessment will start as soon as the sub-contract with the organization is signed. Organization/firm shall provide a preliminary baseline & mid-term assessment timeline and logistics plan and work with Program team to coordinate these activities as necessary. MAJOR DELIVERABLES Organization/firm will provide the following deliverables as evidence of work and will paid based on successful completion an acceptance by the program of these deliverables: ◾Baseline Survey Final (reviewed and revised) Report by August 30, 2013. ◾Mid-term Assessment Final (reviewed and revised) Report by February 15, 2014. Baseline and assessment must include the following support documents: ◾Detailed Methodology; ◾Instruments, methods and/or tools to collect data; ◾Developing a list of mid-term assessment questions in consultation with the program and M&E team. ◾Assessment training guide; ◾A brief training report of contracted enumerators, field staff and partners on baseline survey and mid-term assessment instruments methods and/or tools and mid-term survey process; ◾All the filled forms of baseline survey & assessment (quantitative and qualitative) which have been entered by the data entry operators for further analysis ◾Cleaned and final dataset (soft copy) ready for analysis in SPSS (quantitative) and Excel (Qualitative); ◾The datasets will be analyzed and presented in a final report forms (separately for baseline survey and midterm assessment) ◾Database codebook in English; and ◾All photos and any other documentation related to the assessments. Within 15 days after signing agreement, Organization will submit the final protocol for midterm assessments, final draft instruments and final draft assessment training guide to Program for submission for formal review to ensure compliance with mandatory Protection of Human Subjects regulations. Minimum Qualifications: ◾Experience in conducting surveys, mid-term assessment, research studies, program evaluations especially in FATA and KP. ◾Five (05) or more years’ experience in designing, conducting, analyzing, data management, reporting & disseminating the findings of surveys, midterm assessments & program evaluations for USAID or other US Government international development programs; ◾Demonstrated working knowledge of surveys, midterm assessments & program evaluations, best practices and standards, protocol development, questionnaire development and quality control procedures; ◾Technical experience in conducting surveys, midterm assessments & program evaluations in the field of peace building, conflict management & mitigation, and countering violent extremism; ◾Demonstrated excellent qualitative and quantitative analytical skills & producing high quality standards reports; ◾Organization/firm must be registered in Pakistan ◾May possess or in position to obtain the No Objection Certificate (NOC) as earliest as possible to complete the above mentioned assignments within the given timeframe in FATA and KPK. Organizations/Firms submitting proposals should be accompanied by the following documents. Note: Budget template and selection criteria can be obtained by sending email to callforeoi@gmail. ◾Separate budgets on specified templates for baseline survey and midterm assessment. ◾Proposals having the following parts. 1.Demonstrated relevant technical experience of conducting households surveys, program evaluation and midterm assessment particularly in KPK and FATA (number of assignments completed). 2.Evidence of relevant experience of conducting households surveys, program evaluation for USAID funded projects (number of assignments completed). 3.Demonstrated relevant technical experience of conducting households surveys, program evaluation and midterm assessment in the field of countering violent extremism and conflict affected areas (number of assignments completed). 4.Demonstrated excellent qualitative and quantitative analytical skills & producing high quality standards reports (number of assignment completed in the last three years i.e. 2011-2013, qualitative, quantitative or mix) 5.Methodology 6.Team composition and a brief profile. ◾Separate timelines for conducting baseline survey and midterm assessment. ◾Copy of registration certificate. ◾Copy of NOC for KPK and FATA OR official letter of commitment to get NOC. The details of proposal and documents may be obtained by sending a request through email callforeoi@gmail .The sealed proposal shall be received by July 1, 2013 by 4:00 pm at House 10-A, Street 41, F-7/1, Islamabad source: Brightspyre
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 08:36:11 +0000

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