Call me crazy, but based on my analysys of the events and - TopicsExpress


Call me crazy, but based on my analysys of the events and conspiracy theory below - David Brandon is a great Michigan Man indeed! Go Blue! OK - heres my latest consipiracy theory............. Since the media reports have been both interesting and due to how certain events have played out thereby giving the media reports credibility, it appears that Harbaugh and the 49ers knew they were parting ways way way before Brady Hoke got fired, even before former Michigan AD Brandon resigned. So since back channels between Harbaugh and Michigan communicated (and they clearly have been for some time) that in fact Harbaugh might become available at the end of the season..........Now if in addition Harbaugh made it known that the Michigan HC job really is his dream job at market price of course, then the problem would be that Brandon was firmly behind Brady Hoke and that wasnt changing. True Brandon and Hoke and Michigan Medical people on the field safety screw up (among other things) caused a media circus that rallied the students to demonstrate for the removal of Brandon, even so, if one considers that (hate to tell the media) but the students dont run U of M., the management methodology of a new President not supporting a long time Michigan Man AD, who by the way is completely behind a not so loved coach who was struggling, and asking an interim AD to evaluate in the very very short term the football team and make very long term decisions just doesnt make any sense. Not to this Michigan MBA. Thats not how well run organizations operate and thats not normally how Michigan operates - that is an interim manager using short term insufficient data plus not really having the expertise to make the call and being given the responsibility to make decisions with long term ramifications - just makes no sense - its a fiasco waiting to happen. UNLESS unless Michigan knew 2 things and those were, 1) Harbaugh would be available and 2) Brandon would not fire Hoke to make the job available to Harbaugh. And so, I believe Brandon resigned and washed his hands of the situation and Interim AD Hackett comes in with no current credible football knowledge or athletic department knowledge (well he was Steelcase CEO and played for Bo 40 years ago - not exactly current with state of art college football or athletic operations), but Hackett already had agreed to his role which was to fire Hoke after the season was over and then hire Harbaugh at market price. Might sound far fetched, but that would explain not only how a proud successful guy like David Brandon would resign, how Michigan would let an interim mgr. make long term decisions and how at the end of this seemingly bizarre series of events that Michigan ends up with a story book hire - Jim Harbaugh. David Brandon resigned so Michigan could get Harbaugh - he sacrificed himself for the betterment of Michigan and that makes him a great Michigan Man and hero! Unfortunately, the scape goat in this whole thing is Brady Hoke - but he did make his firing credible by underperforming by a substantial margin. Oh well, something had to give and Michigan got its man! Of course, well never know the real story, but I have no doubt, there was major behind the scenes maneuvering to get Harbaugh, because story book happy endings rarely happen randomly as in luck, they happen because people made it happen! Go Blue!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 00:19:30 +0000

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