Call me crazy but there is something about all of this that I am - TopicsExpress


Call me crazy but there is something about all of this that I am just not getting. One morning we find out Trudeau suspended 2 MPs for personal misconduct. Next thing you know, Mulcair is on TV, accusing Trudeau of having broken the confidentiality of the MPs in question. As if that is not enough, he goes the extra step or labeling Trudeau as a re-victimizer. In THAT moment, the story in the press became about Trudeau and the alleged victims have taken a back seat ever since... The story has also been in the media every day since.. How EXACTLY does Thomas Mulcair think this helps the MPs in question to not be re-victimized every single time the issue is discussed? No matter how angry Thomas Mulcair is at Trudeau for whatever slight he rightfully or wrongfully thinks was committed, his steadfast refusal to reach across the aisle to find a joint solution with the Liberals confuses me. It is almost as if he is more interested in keeping this story going than he is in genuinely helping his MPs. Thomas Mulcair is a lawyer. If he aspires to be Prime Minister of Canada, shouldnt he show hes a statesman and be as equally concerned by the fact that on the other side of the ledger there two Canadian citizens who happen to be MPs -- MPs whose identities we actually know, by the way --and who are being denied any form of due process whatsoever, as he is concerned about the confidentiality his own MPs? Wouldnt one expect a lawyer to be concerned by such an issue of basic rights? Why he is acting as if the rights of those on one side of the issue are more important than that of those on the other side of the issue? If they are called the scales of justice, wheres the balance? Again, this man is allegedly a lawyer, right? It would seem to me that if Thomas Mulcairs primary concern was justice and the well-being of his MPs, that he would not be dragging this thing out and giving it legs by being un-cooperative. How are his MPs supposed to move on if he refuses to play his part in finding satisfactory resolution. The longer this goes on, the more journalists will dig... and we will have more and more stories such as this. The information will come out in drips, perhaps until such time as the identities of the two alleged victims become public... And again I ask, isnt this a disservice to the two alleged victims? There are many holes in the story from the NDP side of things which prevent us from understanding how exactly this was handled. For each of the alleged victims: 1. To whom within the NDP organization did the alleged victim first bring their complaint? 2. How was that handled? 3. Was the alleged victim satisfied with that? 4. Did the complaint ever get to Mulcair BEFORE one MP went to Trudeau? 5. If not, why was the complaint not forwarded to Mulcair? 6. If so, was the alleged victim not satisfied with the manner in which Mulcair handled it? 7. The MP who went to Trudeau told him not only of her story, but also of the story of the other MP in question. Did she have her permission to do so? It strikes me as odd that we know what actions were taken with the Liberal party once Trudeau found out... but we know next to nothing about how the complaint was handled within the NDP. Thomas Mulcairs behaviour is not what I would expect of someone whose primary concern would be for the well-being of the alleged victims. If it were me, Id be doing everything I can to cooperate with the other party to achieve a satisfactory resolution as fast as humanly possible. Stopping the ink from flowing in the press is a huge key to the alleged victims not being re-victimized. But rather, it appear Mulcair wants to keep this going and wants to keep the focus on Trudeau. The questions then become: 1. Whats the motivation? 2. Who benefits? The cynic in me can only come to one plausible conclusion... Thomas Mulcair improperly handled the complaint at his end and he is deftly deflecting the issue to make Trudeau the story so that we dont ask questions about how he handled it. And if that is the strategy, it is working because Ive heard hardly anyone grill him on everything that happened on this file B.T. (Before Trudeau). But with that said, if other Canadians are as confused, and unimpressed, about Mulcairs behaviour as am I, perhaps that manifested itself in the NDPs by-election results last night? How exactly does Mulcair think that Canadians seeing him being quite unhelpful in achieving resolution is going to help him win votes? Wouldnt Mulcair rather be talking about his plans for national child care and the re-lowering of the retirement age to 65 than about this? Especially if the media FINALLY starts asking him pointed questions? Like I said, call me crazy.. But Im not getting it.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 07:41:17 +0000

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