Call of Heroes Chapter 1 Running into a Great Peril I - TopicsExpress


Call of Heroes Chapter 1 Running into a Great Peril I smiled and ran up to greet my best friend, Grey. It had been months since we’d seen each other last and we planned to meet at Crow Park, a small park in the land of Mikiya. Grey had been my best friend for as long as I could remember. Anyway, I ran up to greet her, but when I got within 10 feet of her an explosion blew us apart. I flew into a pole, a field light of sorts, and hit the ground hard, but ignored the pain and ran into the smoke to find Grey. When I found her, I lifted her into my arms and ran her over to the cover of a tree. She looked up at me. “Are you alright?” She asked. I nodded and looked at her worriedly. “I’m fine.” She said. I gave her a quick hug and turned with a growl. Two laughs came from the smoke as it cleared, revealing my greatest rival J and another guy about the same age and size. I picked up a long, thin pipe, about the size of my arm, and went into fighting stance. They threw down another smoke screen and snapped their fingers. Three swords were hurled at me from the smoke. I dodged the first two and blocked the third, then ran at them, swinging the pipe like a sword and knocking them both over. They were on there feet again in seconds and they grabbed me by the shirt and threw me out of the smoke. I growled and got to my feet and ran at them again. This time they threw a mini-bomb at my feet, blowing me out of the smoke and into the tree. Grey was at my side in a second and I stood as the smoke rose. This time when the smoke rose though, there was a third person, a girl in chains, there as well, but it wasn’t just any girl: it was my girlfriend Esther. I gasped. “Bailey! Help!” she cried. The guys smirked and darted off. I picked up a sword and dashed after them, Grey at my heels. We chased them for at least ten minutes before coming upon a tall building. They ran inside and the door began lowering. I was barely able to make it in after Grey. I pulled Grey behind a barrel (as much as I wanted to cut it up, it was the only hiding space). They ran upstairs and attached Esther to another chain, being lowered slowly to a pit of what seemed to be lava from Mt. Amnesia. I growled. If she touched that it would be game over for her. I looked over to the guys, who were standing on a platform over the lava pit. J spoke. “Well N, we finally have the hero where we want him, and if he doesn’t give up the Aether we can kill her.” he said. “Well boss, now that we’ve got her, what should I do? Intimidate him? Get that other girl?” N said. “Now that I have her, you are useless to me.” J said. “Wh-what?” N said. J smirked and pulled out a sword. He backed N to the edge of the platform. With an evil laugh, he hit N with the blade and walked away as N fell. I ran over and jumped up, catching him, then I landed on the other side. I set him down, realizing he was unconsious, then turned to Esther. Out of panic, I threw the sword I’d been holding. The chains broke and she fell. I jumped up and caught her and we landed safely on the other side of the lava. “We need to get to my house.” I said. “What about N?” Grey said. I nodded and ran around to him and picked him up. With a nod to the girls, we ran toward my house.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 23:22:22 +0000

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