Call to Action Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive - TopicsExpress


Call to Action Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.James 1:22 The Old Testament is full of examples of men and women who listened to the word of God and acted upon it. Abraham was told by God to leave his family, friends, and home and go to another land. Abraham did as God told him, and became the father of the Hebrew nation. Moses, despite his hesitation and lack of faith in his own abilities, listened to God and went to tell the Pharoah to set the Hebrews free from slavery in Egypt. As a result of his action, Moses led the Hebrews out of captivity, through the Red Sea and desert, and to the Promised Land (though he was only allowed to see the Promised Land, and not enter it, due to his being outside Gods will when he struck a rock in anger). Each of the prophets in the Old Testament heard Gods call and acted. One notable example is the reluctant prophet, Jonah. When God called him, Jonah tried to avoid Gods instructions, and he fled. A violent storm, along with a few days inside a large fish, convinced Jonah to do what God told him to do. As a result of his actions, the people of Nineveh heard Gods condemnation of their sins, repented, and were saved from destruction. Are you listening to Gods word? What is God calling you to do today? Will you do what He says? Note that you were created for something, something that only you can do in a specific manner such that God will be glorified in it. In Isaiah 43:21, God declared expressing, the reason he created you...this people have I formed for myself, they shall shew forth my praise! The question now is---are you glorifying him in and with that thing which he has given you ability to do? Have you forgotten that whatever thing including the grace, money, gift etc which he has given you is that in it, his name be glorified? The reason we do not enter into a higher glory is because we has not put into use, the little one he has given us but have like the wicked steward in the parable of the Talent, buried the one we have in the excuse that its small, I cannot do it, Im too small, Im shy, Im too busy, or I prefer the other persons grace etc. Yet, we want our feet to be set on high and our horns exalted like that of the unicorns! How possible?. This is a call this morning to everyone of us who thinks he has nothing to offer, its a call to awakening into the reality that none was born empty! Its a call to putting us into remembrance that a day is coming and very soon, we will be called to analyse the characteristics of our character, to give account of what we have done with what he has given us. My prayer for you is that, you will not be found wanting in the name of Jesus! Say AMEN if you are ready
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 05:13:53 +0000

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