Call to Journalists Worldwide - I understand and appreciate - TopicsExpress


Call to Journalists Worldwide - I understand and appreciate your attempt to free your colleagues who get arrested by brutal regimes, and subjected to draconian and ridiculous kangaroo courts, and I applaud your efforts to publicize this issue, however, I think you can do a lot more and I am writing this message explicitly so you can not claim to not have had a better idea. Its not enough to tweet photos of yourselves with your mouths taped up, nor is it enough to hold up pieces of paper on which youve written hashtags intended to draw attention to your plight or that of your fellow journalists. I believe you have to take a far more radical approach. Stop. Just stop. When youre asked to write your newest column, write only these twenty words - I refuse to report so long as my colleagues cannot. This column will remain silent until my colleagues are free. and nothing else. Substitute the word column with show, article, segment, etc - depending on your medium, whether its a newspaper, a TV show, a website, etc - Make people outside of Twitter and Facebook get the message, show them the real force of your solidarity, and impose an embargo on both viewers and governments that do not realize the magnitude of oppression that your colleagues suffer. Force everybody to adopt the issue, and make it their own, force the issue into everyday conversation, and force the urgency on people outside of the journalistic profession. This is not a local issue, this is not even a national issue, this is a global issue, and its one of integrity, honesty, and truth. Journalists worldwide feel very strongly when one of them suffers injustice just for doing his job, commit yourself to that feeling, and take it the logical conclusion. Force the issue. Good luck.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 02:16:52 +0000

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