Call/whatsapp me on 0977 976350 Do you know that every persons - TopicsExpress


Call/whatsapp me on 0977 976350 Do you know that every persons colon holds about 1 kg-15kg feces which are never able to be released? You carry them with you all the time. When you try to lose weight, this waste is always trapped in you. Do you also know the human body is made up of 70% water? Those unreleased faeces are a source of inner pollution which will go back into the blood stream and will pollute your body This will make your whole body sluggish with toxins.... If you are middle-aged, youve taken about 15,000 showers in your lifetime, and youve brushed your teeth close to 30,000 times. Still, you wont stop doing that just because youve done it so many times. Heres an interesting question: If you have to keep cleansing your skin and teeth daily, then wouldnt you think it makes equal sense to clean the inside of your body at least periodically? The Importance of Colon Cleansing 90% of all sickness and disease begins inside an unclean colon. Everyday, more and more medical professionals are starting to realize that nearly all disease can be traced to a toxic colon or deficiencies in vitamins and minerals. Toxins and waste build up in your colon just like they do in the pipes of your home. Both demand immediate attention or the results can be disastrous. Colon cancer is second only to lung cancer in terms of cancer deaths in the U.S., claiming the lives of nearly 50,000 men and women annually. Despite what you may think or what your daily bowel movements are, many people are not aware of the fact that they need a good colon cleansing. Most people dont realize that the complete length of their colon is wedged with old, hardened fecal matter that only leaves a narrow enough channel for small, softer feces to pass through. Failure to cleanse your colon is like having an internal garbage dumping ground within you, left to accumulate as the years pass. Your colon is the sewage system of your body. If the wastes in your colon are allowed to build up, they will decay and be absorbed through the walls of your colon and into your bloodstream. These toxins can poison your brain and nervous system so that you become depressed, weak, irritable, heavy and lethargic. Your breath becomes foul because the toxins poison your lungs, you become bloated and distressed because the toxins have accumulated in your digestive tract, and your skin becomes sallow and unhealthy because of the toxins floating around in your blood. Every organ in your body is affected. You feel and look older, your joints become still and painful, your eyes get dull and your thinking becomes sluggish. Thus, the joy of living is no more.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 07:24:38 +0000

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