Call your city and support this!! Notice of Motion submitted - TopicsExpress


Call your city and support this!! Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Paul Harris and Councillor Lynne Mulder Whereas humanity relies upon bees and other pollinating insects to pollinate 2/3 of the world’s food crops, and Whereas pollinators are a keystone species upon which the health of many others species are dependent, and Whereas pollinator habitat is being lost and threatened around the globe due to development and agricultural practice, including pesticide use, and Whereas, the City of Red Deer would benefit by the identification, protection and enhancement of pollinator habitat, and Whereas the economic value of native pollinators is estimated to be over $3 billion per year in North America, and Whereas fruits and seeds derived from insect pollination are a major part of the diet of approximately 25 percent of all birds, and of mammals ranging from red-backed voles to grizzly bears, and Whereas native pollinators can be more efficient and effective pollinators than non-native species, and Whereas some of our indigenous plant species rely on specific indigenous pollinator species for successful pollination and thus the continuation of their species, and Whereas recently published research indicate a decrease in some of Alberta’s indigenous bumblebee populations, including the rusty-patched bumblebee which is now listed as an endangered species in Canada, and Whereas European honeybees, which are now used for pollination around the world, are also declining in numbers, and Whereas plants play a key role in the prevention of soil erosion and fuel the nutrient cycle by decomposing and absorbing nutrients, and close to 70% of the world’s plants rely on pollinators for fertilization and reproduction, and Whereas pollinator gardens and parks throughout the city could provide habitat for native pollinators and an opportunity to create awareness in the community about the importance of pollinators and their habitat, and Whereas the creation of pollinator parks and gardens that do not require the use of pesticides will therefore create a healthier environment to protect not only pollinators but also human health, and Whereas the use of pesticides is one of the main hazards to pollinator health, Therefore be it resolved that the City of Red Deer parks department explore the inclusion of dedicated pollinator parks for the purposes of creating pollinator habitats, and to help raise awareness in the community about the long term importance of the pollinator population, and Be it further resolved that The City of Red Deer explore the permanent banning of neonicotinoids and related pesticides that are known to have adverse affects on the health of the pollinator populations, and Be it further resolved that The City of Red Deer request that AUMA and FCM include the protection of pollinators in their discussions and advocacy efforts at their committees on the environment.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 20:41:47 +0000

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