Called and Saved: Is it Fair? Romans 8:28b ...who have been - TopicsExpress


Called and Saved: Is it Fair? Romans 8:28b ...who have been called according to his purpose. Thoughts for Today: The doctrine of election can be tricky business unless we look at it from Gods perspective. Think about it like this: Lets suppose I approach ten boys playing tag on the playground and ask How would you like to learn to play baseball? Six of the boys say No we like it here. Were comfortable and having fun. But the other four answer Sure, wed like to learn how to play. Who are the ones called? Answer, the four who said Yes. They are the ones who are taught to play baseball. You might ask, But what about the other six? Unfortunately, they are still playing on the playground since thats what they chose to do. In the same way, the lost are lost because they have chosen to be lost. So why does God operate this way? I dont know. When God created the world, he didnt ask me if He should make it flat, square, or round. When God created spiders, he didnt consult the worlds leading entomologists and ask their opinion regarding the advisability of six or eight legs. God made the world round because he wanted it round; and spiders have eight legs because He wanted spiders to have eight legs. Its simple. Whatever God does is right. His purpose is going to be carried out because He has both the wisdom and power to do so. Dont make the mistake of criticizing God by saying Its not fair. God shouldnt have the right to call only those He wants called. To save only those He wants saved. God is just and loving. Therefore, anything and everything He does is always right. Besides, He has given us all a choice to make: Will you choose His Son Jesus? Questions to Ponder: What have you done with His Son Jesus? Is He the Lord of your life? Have you placed Him in control? Do you trust Him? He has invited every one of us to know His Son. Have you accepted His invitation or do you remain preoccupied by the distractions of this world only? What about eternity?
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 02:44:20 +0000

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